27 ; morkpi (futs)

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i sat on the edge of my bed, staring at myself in the mirror. i always struggled with insecurity but lately, it seemed like my doubts were getting the best of me. i sighed and ran a hand through my hair, wishing i could feel confident and comfortable in my own skin.

just then, there was a knock at the door. i got up and went to answer it, and there was mork, my boyfriend of six months. mork was always so bright and cheerful and his smile never failed to light up my world. but today, even mork's sunny disposition couldn't chase away the clouds of self-doubt that hung over my head.

"hi, pi," mork said, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me close. "how are you feeling today?" i shrugged and looked away, not wanting to burden mork with my worries. "i'm okay, i guess," i said, trying to sound upbeat.

but mork could see through the facade. "what's wrong, pi? you seem like something's bothering you." i hesitated, but eventually, i opened up to Mork about my feelings of insecurity. i told him about how i didn't feel good enough and how worried i was that mork might find someone better than me.

mork listened patiently, his eyes never leaving my face. when i finished talking, mork took my hand and looked at me with such love and tenderness that i felt my heart swell.

"pi, listen to me," mork said, his voice soft and gentle. "you are the most amazing person i know. you have a heart of gold and a smile that could light up the darkest room. you are perfect just the way you are and i love you for all that you are and all that you are not."

my eyes filled with tears as mork's words sank in. i never felt so seen and understood by anyone in my life. mork's love was like a warm blanket, wrapping me up in a cocoon of safety and acceptance.

from that day on, whenever i felt insecure, i turned to mork for reassurance even when i was scared to open up. but mork was always there, reminding me of my worth and my beauty. with Mork by my side, i found the courage to face my insecurities head-on and to love myself just the way i was.

i was lucky to have found a partner who loved me unconditionally and who saw me for the wonderful person i truly was and he vowed to never let my insecurities get in the way of my happiness again.

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