31 ; kluennuea (star in my mind)

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it was a warm summer evening when i started to feel a bit off. my head was pounding, my throat was sore, and my body felt hot to the touch. my boyfriend, kluen noticed that something was wrong and immediately took my temperature - i had a fever.

khabkluen sprang into action, grabbing a wet cloth to place on my forehead and running to the pharmacy to get some medicine. he made me some chicken soup and stayed by my side, making sure that i drank water and got enough rest.

i am grateful for kluen's care and attention and i feel lucky to have such a loving boyfriend. as the days went on, my fever persisted and khabkluen continued to take care of me, making sure that i was comfortable and had everything i needed.

despite feeling weak and tired, i felt a sense of warmth and comfort in kluen's presence. i knew that i was in good hands and that i'd get better soon.

as my fever finally started to break, khabkluen let out a sigh of relief. he had been worried sick about me and we were both very glad that i was finally on the road to recovery.

we cuddled up on the couch, watching our favorite movie and enjoying each other's company. i felt a sense of gratitude wash over me, knowing that i have someone by my side who loved me unconditionally.

i looked at khabkluen with tears in my eyes. "thank you," i said. "thank you for being there for me through everything. i don't know what i would have done without you." my boyfriend smiled at me and took my hand. "i love you," he said. "and i will always be here for you, no matter what."

i leaned in for a kiss, feeling grateful and blessed to have such a wonderful partner.

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