26 ; phatpor (msp)

109 4 0

phats pov

i always loved books. i loved the smell of new pages, the different plots and the way a good book could take me to another world. so when i got a job at the local bookstore, i was over the moon.

as i was shelving books, i noticed a man browsing through the shelves. the man was a bit shorter than me and had a pretty smile that caught my attention immediately. i couldn't take my eyes off him.

the man eventually approached me and asked for a recommendation on a good book. "what genre?" he told me, he liked fictional books so i led him to the fiction section and suggested a few of my favorites. "i'm phatchara but you can just call me phat for short. what's your name?"

he looked at me, "por. just por."

por picked up one of the books and started flipping through the pages, asking me questions about the plot and characters.

i was immediately drawn to him. we talked for hours, discussing our favorite authors and sharing recommendations. i realized that we had a strong connection and asked him, "do you maybe want to meet again?" he smiled and nodded.

over the next few weeks, por and i continued to meet and visited coffee shops where you could read books. we read passages of our favorite books to eachother and discussed our thoughts and feelings. it felt like i finally found someone who understood me in a way no one ever did.

as our relationship grew stronger, i began to see por in a new light. i started to realize that my feelings for him were more than just friendly admiration. i was falling in love, hoping he'd feel the same.

as we were sitting in the bookstore's cozy reading nook, i took a deep breath, "i really like you, por. more than just a friend should." por was surprised but he listened attentively as i poured my heart out. to my surprise, por said, "i feel the same way."

we embraced eachother and i felt a warmth in my chest that i never experienced before. we kissed and it felt like time stood still.

one shots - thai BL/GLOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant