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It had been almost four years since they got married again, five years of being together, and a lot of things changed in their lives.

Roop knew how it felt to be a parent but even after so many years, she still couldn't figure out how someone could hurt their child, she couldn't see her baby in pain then how did her parents do?

She never met them again, Amrit made sure of it but she knew what happened to them, all their wealth was gone in the past few years, their company faced a huge loss that wasn't recoverable, the news was all over the headlines, she somehow had an idea who was behind it all but she never brought up the topic.

"That's disgusting." Mihir looked at her choice of food, gagging just by looking at her dip an apple in ketchup.

"You know what else is disgusting? Your-"

"Okay, okay. My wife insults me enough...aaj ka quota poora hogaya hai mera." He raised his hands in surrender.
(Today's quota is completed already.)

Mihir and Madira got married shortly after Ruaan aka Cheeseball was born, it was different for him this time since he was chasing the girl away instead of chasing the girl for the first time in his life but Madira was quite determined about what she wanted.

It wasn't easy to break down his walls since he wasn't ready to emotionally invest in a relationship, it took her months to build the trust but with the help of her brother and Mihir's family members, she was now his wife with a cute little version of Mihir too.

"Tell me one thing." He leaned on the kitchen island seriously, "Did Ru poop a lot too? I feel like I've been changing the diapers only for the last four months." He sighed tiredly.

"He did." Roop nodded absentmindedly, "I asked for strawberries but no one got me strawberries." She murmured, her eyes filling up with tears.


"Is it because I'm getting fat?" She asked.

"Uhh...no, bhai went to get strawberries for you...he must be on his way, let me check." Mihir walked away, calling his brother to come back sooner.

It was around two in the morning when Roop woke up with an urge to eat strawberries, founding none at home, he went to get them for her, and she was waiting in the kitchen when a sleepless Mihir joined her.

She was having a crying session when a very tired Rahil walked into the kitchen with a baby bottle in his hands.

"Are you okay?" He whispered, seeing her cry.

"I asked for strawberries and he left...he took Cheeseball too...how could he do that to me? He said he'll never leave me...he took my baby too." She looked at Rahil, her lip wobbling as she tried not to burst into sobs.

"I think...he went to bring you strawberries? Don't worry...he'll be back soon." Rahil tried to assure her, making baby formula milk since it was his duty to take care of the baby today.

Avni and Rahil were very clear about having a baby in their 30s and the family members supported them with their decision from the very start instead of forcing them, 6 months earlier, They had a baby girl named Riva, at the same time Madira and Mihir had Ayaan.

"And if he doesn't? He took Cheeseball."

"He will, now stop crying...it's not good for the baby." He patted her hair, "I'll get going before Riva wakes up Avni...good night." He said, walking back to his room.

Ten minutes later, Amrit dropped four boxes of strawberries infront of her along with a very active Ruaan. Nighttime was his favourite to play, he would run to everyone's room to scare them since he could never wake his mother up from her deep slumber.

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