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Me: I'm here

I wait outside in the cold, dark night. Standing at Craig's door, as he runs down to let me in. I hadn't opted for a jacket, though looking back I should have. I shiver as the cold nips at my skin, breath coming out in translucent clouds in front of me.

The sun had gone down a while ago by now, and as I stand by the door, I hear symphonies of crickets and critters running through the night. It's late, but I don't mind. I can't sleep anymore anyway, even if I wanted to.

Craig opens the door, and I stand to look at him. I wave, kind smile written on my features. He waves back at me as we exchange in silent greetings. He puts his figure to his mouth, signaling me to be quiet before I step in the house. I nod my head at him and he leads me inside, silently pulling me up the stairs and into his room. He quietly shuts the door and we both sigh in relief, happy in the safety of his room. He locks the door, as I look around.

His walls are dark blue, Navy. He's got a few posters on the wall of NASA, and a couple about some television show I've never heard of. His bed is pushed up against the corner, with the window next to it. As I look to the ceiling something catches my eye. Craig has star stickers all over the ceiling just above his bed. There's a lot of them, and I can't help but think that's kind of cute. He falls asleep every night to the stars, like me, just a little different. He catches me staring and shakes his head at me.

"Sorry, I know their childish". He says.

"No! It's cute! How long have they been up there?"

"My whole life.."

I look at him as he looks back up, reminiscing about his life, and how many experiences he's had under those stars.

He looks down to me, soft and neutral, before gently shutting the lights off. I look at him confused as he looks back up, nodding his head at the stickers. I turn around slowly as the stars light up the whole room. They glow in the dark, neon green, sparking on the roof and bouncing off the walls. I gasp as I take in the sight. I feel Craig walk up, standing next to me as we gaze at each other. I can't help but notice how the lights reflect deep into his dark blue, almost black eyes. His expression is plain, but his eyes smile at me so small I almost don't see it. Their expressive and loud, and the deeper I look, the deeper I understand him. I'm no longer met with the stoic, sarcastic man I thought he was. But instead, I see him— expressive and deeply observant.

"It's so pretty". I tell him softly.

He smiles at me quite and small, but before I can't really take in the rare sight he turns around, flicking the lights back on. They burn my eyes a little as I squint, moment over.

He tells me to sit tight while he grabs his telescope. So I sit on the end of his bed while he sets it up near the window. He lets me take the first look, I sit on the floor and put my eyes up to it. I close one eye and stare through it, looking for anything. My eyes land on the moon, it's big and bright. So clear I can see every bump and color rippled within it. It's beautiful and I can't help but gawk at it. There's so many things going on out there. I thought I was close before, I'm basically on top of it now. It's a sight to be hold. Something I'll remember for the rest of my life.

I look over to him, speechless, my eyes wide.

"Amazing, huh?" He asks.

"So much more..." I stutter out.

We sit like that, cross legged on the floor, taking turns looking and pointing things out to the other. We talk about everything and nothing. Laughing about it all. Well, I'm laughing, he carries his signature blank expression, but I know in my heart he's having a good time. It'a peaceful, calm I feel more relaxed with him, then I have in a while. Something about his energy is calming, he's a good listener, and I wonder if he's done this before.

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