Kenny's Visit (1)

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"Ugh..." I groan to myself, throwing the explicit magazine I was reading down to the floor in bored frustration.

   This fucking blows...

I'm so bored right now it's killing me. I don't remember what it was like before her. I don't remember— no, I don't want to remember it. Like suddenly the life I lived before isn't enough anymore. I was content, living like this. Surrounded by people that suck. My family is fine, but they suck. My friends are great! But they suck. She doesn't suck. For the first time I feel something other then simple attraction, and it's addictive.

I smile to myself as I think about her, now aware that I'm thinking about her and smirking. I roll over in my squeaky twin bed with a sly chuckle as I reach for my phone.

I want to text her, maybe call her even. She wasn't at school today and I know she's sick. But honestly I don't care, I can fix her.

The phone rings with anticipation in my ear as I stand from my bed and throw on my thick orange parka. I can't wipe the smirk off my face while it rings for what seems like years, and then suddenly she picks up.

"What?" The person on the other end says, irritated and harshly.


"Why the hell are you answering her phone?" I ask him quickly, as I find there actually is something that can wipe the smirk off me.

"Why the hell are you calling her phone?" Stan retaliates at me.

"I can't call my friends?" I scoff at him.

"No". He answers quickly, and blankly.

I roll my eyes at the phone as the door to my house swings open, and my feet carry me away.
"I'm coming to see her, leave".

"Dude, what? No, don't be weird she didn't ask you to come".

"...did she ask you?" I ask him with a hint of amusement.

Stan doesn't answer that question.

"Yeah, I'm coming over"- I chuckle smugly as I hang up the phone.


Hey! Author here. I know I've been pretty inactive for months and I'm sorry about that. This chapter was really short, but I wanted something to put out as I slowly get back into writing. I want to thank everyone who's still commenting and supporting, it really means a lot to me. I'll be in the comments, so please feel free to talk with each other and myself!

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