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The store is busy and bustling with patrons who fill the place to the brim. The line is long and empty tables are scarce while we step inside and take it in. I've never seen the place like this before, having only been a few times and mostly at dull hours. I look around wide eyed and Tolkien catches my gaze.

"It's rush hour." He tells me.

"It's always like this?" I gawk.

"Mostly". He chuckles as we step in line.

We say our goodbyes to Tweek and I watch him greet with his parents before running into the back. I'm saddened when I realized he won't be able to sit with us, but then again I get to watch him work. He comes out quickly in an apron and immediately gets to it. For a boy so anxious, he looks totally collected while he works, completely in his element as he turns his brain off. It's a pretty interesting sight.

With Tweek in charge, it doesn't take us very long to get up front. I wait excitedly in the back for my turn to order. Tweek smiles at me and rings me up, I pat my pockets, first the front, then the back. My heart sinks as I don't feel anything. I quickly check the inside of my backpack but am devastated to find out my wallet has been forgotten at home. Sitting on the kitchen counter exactly where I left it.

"Shit." I mumbled as I continue my useless rummaging.

I know it's gone, but I can't help but think maybe it will reappear in my hands like magic.

"Are you okay?" Tweek looks at me, nervously gripping at his dark brown apron.

"I forgot my wallet". I sigh, defeated as it hits me fully that no amount of wishing will send it back to me.

"I can pay for you!" Clyde is quick to jump at my side, already pulling his card out.

"I got it". Craig says lamely, moving to open his own wallet.

I open my mouth to speak, trying to deny them but I'm lost in the background as the boys bicker over me and my coffee.


"Just let me do it, Craig!"

"No." He sighs back.

"Come on, dude!" Clyde cries.

"Guys"- ..I try once again, but am stopped by the hand on my forearm.

When I look over, Tweek has his arm stretched out over the counter and is gripping onto me desperately. As soon as my eyes meet with his, his hand flys back and into the air innocently while he turns quickly into many different shades of red.

"I-it's on the house". He mumbles to me, and I barely hear him.

Our encounter is being drowned out by the sound of Craig and Clyde bickering at each other, and the overwhelming sound of many conversations from different patrons in the store.
I smile at him wide and send him a grateful wink, he responds by quickly running off to make our drinks while I stare at his crimson ears and giggle.

Our moment goes unnoticed.

"Come on boys". I sigh as I walk past them swiftly.


"I thought"-

I glance over at Tweek, who's staring at me wide eyed. I take in his messages and turn to the others.

"I guess I had it the whole time". I shrug and giggle at my own lie. Forcing innocence as I bat my eyelashes and look away.

The disappointed energy is loud as I turn around to face the counter, but from both of them. I expected Clyde's reaction maybe to well, but the dissatisfaction in Craig's shoulders is surprising to say the least. I almost didn't catch it, it happened so fast, but it was definitely there. Though, you would never tell by looking at him from afar.

Tweek seems satisfied with my answer as he turns around to finish the drinks.
After awhile, he sets them down in front of us with mine being last placed. I reach for it and the smile on his face falters ever so slightly as our fingers brush softly together. He gasps at the electric shock that emits from our contact and he loses his grip on my cup.
It falls to the counter with a loud crack of plastic snapping in half as the light brow insides spill all over the counter, me, and the floor.


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