Words Left Unsaid

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"Good morning, Honey". My mother turns to me as she cooks breakfast, turning back to lean over the stove.

The smell of warm bacon in the air had woken me up from my sleep. Suddenly, I am starving. I don't remember the last time I had a real meal, eating what I can to get by, or skipping it entirely for the sake of my anxious stomach.

I feel different this morning, better? No, I don't feel better— I feel strangely dreadful. Embarrassed, like I've done something wrong in the eye of my mother. She's been working so much these last few weeks, so it's nice to see her home, but can't help the pit in my stomach that grows as I look at her— a failure.

"Morning." I sit down at the table.

I shouldn't feel like this, in fact, I should feel proud. I have beaten the evil, come out victorious and still intact.

The sound of glass dishes clanking against the table pulls me out of my thoughts as my mother sets an empty plate in front of me. I don't feel hungry anymore.

She sits down in front of me, at our small dining room table and smiles. I give her my best attempt at a warm one, but I have a feeling it doesn't reach my eyes. I quickly look away and we fill our plates in silence.

"So," she starts, I look down to my plate staring intently. "I got an email from your school".

I feel my heart drop into my stomach, my palms start to sweat and I drop the fork in my hand. It slams against the glass, hard— and echoes through my brain.


She looks at me confused, I can feel her eyes on me intense like, while I wish for the ground to reach up and swallow me whole. I clear my throat and silently beg her to continue, though I'm not sure exactly how this is going to go.

"Something about erasing a suspension from your records?" She raises a brow at me, she's not eating anymore as her hand forcefully grips the fork.

I realize I actually have to speak now, disappointingly understanding that the ground will not save me today.

"Oh, yeah. They— uhm, had the wrong person". I don't return her gaze.

"He thought you did something?" She asks, concern bleeding into her words and facial features.

"Yeah, but I proved my innocence." The words come out faster then I can stop them, I look at her wide eyed.

"You did?"

"Uh- yeah, I worked it out". I tell her.

"Alright". She looks down to her plate.

I can tell she wants to ask more questions but she's not, I feel grateful. It's over and I can finally move on.

Well— maybe there's some lose ends I still have to tie up. Including a certain boy, and something about a superhero. And-

"Mom, I broke my phone."

"What?" She looks back up to me, both her eyebrows raised.

"Yeah, I— dropped it. In the bathroom and it shattered." I rub the nape of my neck.

"When did this happen?" She puts her fork down, obviously suspicious.

"Last week". I answer blankly.

"And— you want a new one." She finishes my sentence.

I only shrug at her.

"If I can".

She's quiet for a moment, deciding on it.

"Well, I really would feel better with you having a phone, for emergencies". She talks more to herself that anything.

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