The Flu

776 31 19

My alarm roars, bringing me back to life. I know immediately something isn't right, I feel it in the way my body stirs. Heavy, cold and weak. Yet somehow drenched in sweat like I was having a nightmare of some kind. I groan into the air, a guttural sound that ignites my throat to fire. I can barley open my eyes, and that's when I know.

I am sick.

A dreadful thought really, I don't have time for this. But it seems I need to make some, for the thought of standing up makes my head swirl.
I feel like ton of bricks, as I sink into the bed.
I feel tired, like I could sleep for days.

That's just what I'll do I think.


My dreams a vivid and all over the place, the type of sleep where you wake up more exhausted then when you went to bed.
This time though, it's my mother that wakes me. She shakes me gently, some kind of worry on her face. She's telling me I'm going to be late for school, it doesn't take much for me to convince her otherwise. One look at me and she understands completely, I'm not going to make it to school today.

"Oh, honey", her tone is soft and pitiful. "Do you need me to stay and look after you?"

I shake my head, eyes still closed.

"I'll be fine". I crook.

She puts a hand to my forehead, the chill of her skin soothes me slightly as her face scrunches in concern.

"You're burning up". She sits down on the bed with me.

Makes sense. I feel like death.

I give her a sleepy smile, half assed but still something to calm her worries.

"Just a head cold". I tell her.

She shakes her head, but I see the lines on her face get softer. She mumbles something about medicine and leaves to, presumably get some. Moments later she returns with various pills, sirups, and water. I see the bitter liquid in her hand and roll over.

"I know you hate it, but It will make you feel better, hun". She temps me.

I'd rather die.

"At least take the ibuprofen, please". She sighs.

I reluctantly sit up, slow and shaky hands reach for the medication. It goes down rough snd scratchy, and I cough up a lung in the process. She lays me back down and tells me she's going to work, but to call if I need anything.

"I'll race home, okay?" My mother reiterates.

I nod at her, already falling back into a deep sleep.


My phone vibrating snaps me awake again, I curse whoever's calling under my breath. As I reach for it slowly, I notice it's Kyle. I also notice the many missed messages from the rest of the boys and I realize they probably think I died. I feel a little bad, but that quickly goes away as the temptation of sleep takes over again.

I decide to send a message, let them know and go back to my coma in peace.

Kyle: Good morning!
Stan: Did you over sleep again?
Cartman: you missed the bus idiot.
If you're dead, can I have your lunch

Kenny: princess??
Kyle- 2 missed calls.

I roll my eyes.

Me: I'm sick :p

I decide that's good enough, and close my eyes once again.

Kyle: are you okay? Do u need anything?

Cartman: lol u have aids

Kyle: Cartman!

Kenny: :(

Stan: feel better

Kenny: ;(((



"Mmhmmh". (This sucks)

"Why? It's finally quiet". Cartman crosses his arms.

Kenny just sighs, sadly.

"Should we check on her?" Stan asks, ignoring the others.

"Hell no! I'm not getting aids!" Cartman gags.

"That's not how that works idio- she does not have aids!" Kyle scowls at Cartman.

Cartman giggles to himself, like he's the funniest person to exist.

Kyle rolls his eyes, as he faces Stan.

"She's not answering", he says, "maybe we should let her be"?

Kenny sighs once more and puts his hooded head on the table face first.

"I know Ken, but— she'll be back soon". Kyle pats the poor boy's shoulder comfortingly.

Cartman crosses his arms, "who the fuck even got her sick?" He spits, angry.

Stan shrugs and looks over to Kyle, hoping he has a solid explanation. To his dismay, Kyle has nothing.

"The weather might have finally gotten to her.." Kyle sighs.

Cartman scoffs, "yeah, it's her fault she walks around half naked all the time".

Kenny giggles quietly to himself from the table top, before he sighs again— half imagining her outfits, and half realizing he won't be able to see them again for a while. For more reasons then just her cold.

Silence falls upon the boys as they it their thoughts.

What should they do now?

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