I'm Sorry P2

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Notes: Baby N'ylani comes home from the hospital with something very concerning going on with her.

Side note: I can't believe I'm giving y'all some fluff but here take it. Also it's been two months since N'ylani has been in the hospital.

Y'all already know a few of these ideas was given to me like if I wanted to do something than to let her have a disability because y'all know I was gonna stress y'all all the way out. As well as Faith going back to New York to get herself together. So, I was like let me calm down just a little bit. So, I did just for y'all. So, y'all can thank the same ones from the last chapter that's tagged for always talking me down from stressing y'all out completely. 😭

TRIGGER WARNING: Mentions of disability. Faith is back. 😭

It's been a few months later and baby N'ylani was now ready to come out of the hospital. Since she had been in there Nikki of course had visited her baby every day when she could and stayed up until the visiting hours were over. And on the last day of her hospital stay the family thought that it was nothing sort of a blessing since she was able to gain some important baby weight on her since she was still so small from when she had first seen her.

Every day, Nikki would come in there and just talk to her baby like N'ylani could understand what she was saying and even though she couldn't she knew the sound of her mama's voice and would start cooing for her. But since, N'ylani was still so small and couldn't support her ownself yet they would have to turn N'ylani around to face her mama and whenever she seen her mama N'ylani's eyes would light up and she would smile a toothless grin while playing with and holding her little feet just being all cute. And don't let Nikki take out a camera because N'ylani would be ready to pose. If anything she knew what to do when the camera came out.

She wasn't one of those babies who was camera shy if anything she liked the camera.

And, even Karen went to go visit her grand daughter in the hospital and knew immediately that even though N'ylani had been sick when she was first born because she had came into this world wayyy earlier than what she was supposed to she had a lot of personality in her and she was a fighter on top of that.

N'ylani wasn't even out of the hospital yet when Karen had already spent over $200 in baby items for her grand-daughter. "Spoiled, spoiled, spoiled rotten already." Drew said as he was coming into the hospital helping his wife carry what she had bought from the gift shop for N'ylani out of there. "Karen she already have this at home." Drew said looking at what Karen had and he could've sworn Karen done bought up the whole store when it came to what they had for the baby items.

"No she doesn't Drew. She don't have that particular color at home." Karen said pointing that out to him. "Girl really?!" Drew said arching his eyebrow. "Oooh hush up like you not gonna spoil her." Karen said reading him for dust and Drew just shrugged his shoulders. "You got me there but how am I supposed to spoil her when you keep beatin' me too it?!" Drew rhetorically asked his wife tryin' to be funny with her. "Whateva Drew you gotta keep up while you can." Karen said as she walked off going to the car while smiling.

So, right when they walked to the car which was a van because they knew they were gonna need one for all the kids that was about to be in there house here comes Nikki with the nurse right behind her carrying N'ylani who was just doing baby things and clapping her hands for no reason just as happy as she could be.

But they noticed that Nikki was carrying something in her hand and Karen had squinted her eyes from afar because she did see a little tube running across her grand daughters nose.

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