Making amends

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Note: Dorinda talks to her mother about the fight that happened between her and Karen in therapy.

"Now, Dorinda why would you say all of that to your sister?!" Matti asked her daughter after surprise whoopin' her with a belt and Dorinda was sittin on her couch mad as hell she got a butt whooping as a grown woman.

"Answer me cause you ain't to grown too get whooped AGAINNN!" Matti said slinging the belt over her shoulder because it was still in her hand.

And, Dorinda was just poutin'.

"I don't know I thought I would be happy for Karen when she won this case but this just reminded me that I have to start all over again in finding somebody if I want too." Dorinda said folding her arms. "Awee baby but that don't you take that out on your sister." Matti told her.

"You know Karen couldn't defend herself from that man when he took advantage of her and even if she wanted to you know Karen wasn't much of a fighter back then like she is now." Matti told her again.

"I know mama. I know I was wrong for saying that but it just irked me because to be honest I was really planning for a life without my sister." Dorinda admitted and this wasn't the first time that Matti had heard her saying but every time she said it she was always shocked but never surprised.

"I mean every time I would get the slightest of hope that Karen would back Greg would always kill it and try to make it seem like it won't be that bad without her." Dorinda told her.

"And when we started hearing her down below us I knew something was wrong but I just didn't wanna believe it at first and you know I wasn't about to go looking underneath my own house just to see what it was so that's why I had Greg to do it." Dorinda said not knowing that she had accidentally put Karen in danger every time.

"I knew I should've told Leo to go out there and look down there when y'all was gone." Matti said shaking her head still mad cause she ain't listen to herself.

"He had my baby locked up there fightin' for her life." Matti said shaking her head.

"And I don't mean to be so mean to Karen but sometimes mama I can't help it." Dorinda said.

"I don't know it's like it just happens." She told her.

"And I didn't mean to tell everybody that Karen wet the bed for a whole year when she was 13. It was just that she never got in trouble for it like I thought she was I don't know I guess I was childish for thinking that." Dorinda said. "You were." Matti told her.

"Because you know I told you that Karen couldn't help that after finding out what happened." Matti said already knowing what it was and she just had to put the pieces together. "I know mama I guess I just didn't understand how that happened." Dorinda said. "I'm just glad you didn't say anything about the other situation because that would've made everything so much more worse than what it already was." Matti told her. "Because everybody would've wanted to fight you and me." Matti said knowing that after Greg had did what he did the only other person who found out about this health issue that Karen had was Dorinda and she couldn't tell anybody. That secret was going with Karen, Dorinda, and Matti to the grave.

So, it was weighing heavy on them. But if Dorinda had accidentally let that slip up in that argument the family would've just been in turmoil and Jacky and Leo probably wouldn't have let no one near Karen. The siblings automatically would've taken sides with Karen and it would've caused a whole lot more division and that's the last thing they needed right now.

"Well maybe you need to get checked out because you do act like y'alls daddy a whole lot when you get mad and when his mood would change and he would be all of a sudden he would be all sweet like nothing ever happened." Matti said. "Mama you sayin sumthin wrong with me?" Dorinda asked her mama arching her eyebrow getting slightly offended.

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