Court case Day 4: P5

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Notes: Karen reveals some more of the horror stories that happened to her while she was working for Big J and how it ties into what Greg did to her.

TRIGGER WARNING: Mentions of sexual assault, miscarriages, escort services, graphic scenes, blood, and domestic violence! Y'all let me warn y'all right now it gets reallll graphic so just brace yourselves for when y'all reach the middle of the chapter!

It was now day 4 of Karen's court case and she was dreading having to go back in. But the worst was almost over seeing that they didn't have to much too reveal anymore and they had actually covered everything in the first 3 days in court with going over the majority of the evidence that they had. Now here she was sitting on the stand being questioned by Greg's attorney on how Greg had impacted her life choices even though she was already long gone from Detroit.

So, again they were getting deeper into how he had screwed up her life.

"You say that your experience with Greg had prepared you for your time with Big J so doesn't that mean that Greg did you a favor?" His attorney had asked Karen and Karen had scrunched up her face in disgust.

"Well...when I was pregnant with my second daughter and out living on the streets homeless. Big J had came and got me at first he was nice to me much like how Greg was nice to me about the pregnancy with Nikki so at first I didn't realize it but there was comparisons between the two men." Karen said tilting her head a little bit as if she was wondering about something.

"But then it was once his patience and his nice-ness ran out I had to get too work and I don't know why I thought that man was just gonna let me stay there and work a decent job because I had told him that I could pay him back after everythings that he had done for me but that wasn't gonna cut it for him." Karen said. "Fast forward years later I'm one of his main girls or main bitch as he liked to call me and I get pregnant by him." Karen said. "Now sometimes he didn't mind having kids in his house especially if they were his. But I don't know I guess he just didn't want too many and ours was the last straw for him so like Greg he had threatened me." Karen said.

And her family had looked at her trying to hide their shock on their faces because they didn't know that she was even pregnant while she was with him outside of having Faith.

"I was actually pregnant a couple of times by other men but they ended up being miscarriages because of the beatings that I suffered from him. But this one I knew it was his because he had claimed that he wanted to have a baby with me and I just wasn't allowed to say no and he just kept me by his side and away from working and so, I only worked on him." Karen said shrugging her shoulders trying to keep a straight face while fighting back tears.

"I just remember him asking me whether or not if I had wanted to get kicked down the stairs or thrown over the stairs balcony." Karen said having flashbacks of that day to where she had panicked. "I picked the stairs thinking that it wouldn't be too bad for me or the baby." She said before pausing and shaking her head in shame. "But instead he tricks me and flung me over the balcony making her lose her balance and watching her fall to her side." Karen said and then she just remembered seeing only seconds later blood starts oozing out of her stomach and Karen blacks out after that only to find herself tied up in a white van.

"As I said earlier, he had made sure that the baby was his that time he had pulled me away from all other work which was just him collecting payment for any sexual activity that I usually would've done." Karen said. "Like how Greg would do with me he would cut out time." Karen said looking straight at Dorinda. "And he would make sure that his lies were straight and clean even though he had just been with me." Karen told them. 

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