Chapter 11

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Something about today felt strange as I lifted my head from the pillow. The sky was a little darker and the energy in my stomach almost wanted to give up and go back to sleep. I felt uneasy and tired, like the life had been drained from me during the night. Still, I was born to fight and that was exactly what I was going to do

I stood from the bed and took one last longing look back before getting myself ready for another temper testing class. I hadn't been shown the routine I would perform with Lauren, but I knew whatever it was needed my full attention and dedication

I still couldn't believe it, me and her soon to be dancing in front of millions in what I presume to be another steamy number. I didn't have much of an opinion of her mother but it was safe to say she was winning some major brownie points! I missed Lauren clearly, the mistaking comment that escalated to a 'break-up' really taking its toll

When she came into the studio yesterday I couldn't deny the strangling butterflies that swarmed my stomach. The way her perfume flew towards me and her glittery chest stole the focus of my attention had me wondering how I'd gotten so lucky in the first place

She was a powerhouse, dominating and outrageously talented. With every second of distance that came between us, I realised more and more just how out of my league she really was. She could date any celebrity she wanted, any woman, any billionaire! Somehow, for a while, I was the one she chose

Now here I was, fantasising about only touching her cheek with my fingertips while she forgets about me and revives the memory of how much she despised me in the past. I hoped selfishly that we'd get to rehearse together before the show, I wanted to feel her body against mine and just pretend that those words had never left my mouth

Unfortunately for now, my only excitement was class. I headed towards the large studio and dumped my bag down against the wall in front of the mirrors, I was early as per usual, but somehow even earlier than Emma. I stood on my phone for a moment or two, the click of the door opening ignored until the sound of heels pressed into the cold wood floor


Camila glanced up with a small but shocked gasp as Lauren's disobedient mother paced her way across the studio "Camila, how nice to see you?" She began with a sickly smile "How are you today?"

The girl nodded back and gulped "I'm good, how about you?" She mumbled, unsure of how to speak to the woman arriving with no warning whatsoever

Clara nodded back and smirked "I'm great, I was actually looking for you!" Her tone as sharp yet calm, rehearsed almost "Funny how we always seem to bump into each other?"

"I guess" Camila shuffled, watching through the windows subtly to preempt anyone walking into the room "What did you wanna talk about?"

Clara folded her arms and chuckled "I assume you heard the great news?" She queried rhetorically "You'll make an excellent end to the show my darling! I'm so excited to watch you and Lauren perform!"

Camila finally smiled and accepted the woman to be here with a bouquet of compliments rather than anything sinister "Thanks" she giggled back gently, fumbling with the tips of her fingers "I'm honoured to be in the show!"

"That's great!" Clara smiled, sending a shiver of doubt into Camila's stomach as she watched the woman's face dissolve into a snarky smirk "I wanted to talk about how the performance will play out actually!" She hummed in thought "I have been in talks with a few of the academy's directors and it seems as though Lauren has hit a peak!"

Camila furrowed her brows "Peak? What does that mean?"

Clara chuckled "Oh sweetheart!" She began "It means that Lauren needs a little push back into the media's eye! See, of course she is successful, but with so much success comes a dangerous contentment!"

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