Chapter 9

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Hello, this is Arisa Frelldyll. The lonely gloomy girl who sits besides the window. Yes, that's me!

It's been a week since I got to this school, and since then I haven't found anyone who can be my friends. There are some who talks to me, and I also respond back to them though I actually didn't know if I should accept them as my friends or not.

First of all, and now that I am noticing it, every girls here have their certain appeal. It's not really attractive for me, but they have this air around them that always hits every niche of any guys, mobs or main characters alike.

This is actually my first time looking at each and every girls I met carefully, and all I can say is that literally everyone of them can possibly be seen on the main screen.

So do I stay as a loner type mob? I think that's the only thing I can do! I've already mastered the art of loneliness after all!

No! It's not even an option!

I don't know why, but everytime I imagined a female mob being a loner, all I see are an interesting character that will have their own main arc in the main story.

Which is bad, because I want to be an Eminence in Shadow!

How can I be a hidden power in the background if I literally have an arc of my own!? That defeats the purpose of being a shadowbroker!

So with feelings of hesitation, I have avoided a lot of people. Everyone who tried to converse with me, I immediately shutdown with simple, and concise words that kills a conversation. As for those who are just planning to do so, I avoid them entirely.

I have to think of something, and fast. I can't continue avoiding anyone. They will become suspicious, and any hero or heroines out there will become interested in me.

So now I'm in my room on the apartment I rented, the skies are dark beyond my windows as I look at the book in front of me. It's one of my personal diaries where I wrote everything I planned and also listed most of the things I wanted to do.

Most of it are full of cross marks and chicken scratches. It is barely readable anymore because I kept taking off ideas upon ideas whenever I tried imagining myself doing it.

Becoming friends with mobs like me are already crossed out. Other ideas like being rejected by my (supposed) crush is also denied. Being beaten by the protagonist is also one thing. Etc.

I essentially have to abandon all my ideas as a mob. It's a literal blank slate now. My ideal is slowly being broken for this past week, and I think my heart is in shatters while looking at the state of my diary.

"Aaaaah... I really need to think of something... how to become a convincing female mob who is secretly the all-knowing, powerful character?"

Hmm... I guess it can't be helped. If I can't think of something, I should just ask my good friends.

"That's why, I want your opinion on the matter..."

So I am here sitting on my bed on the following weekend. In front of me is an elf that is slightly shorter than me. She have a slender build and have a light blue hair that is styled into pigtails.

To Be A Female Eminence in ShadowWhere stories live. Discover now