Chapter 3

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Aneysa was on her way home from the Geljo's house.
It was dark out, with only the starts shining in the sky.

"Come on. Turn green already" Aneysa says as she's waiting for for the traffic lights to change.

As she's waiting for the lights to change, a car drives forward, placed next to her.

She gives a quick glance but looks away.

Aneysa looks back at the lights, seeing it turn yellow.
She gets ready to go and once it turns green she rides off.
Neteyam is on his way home, riding in his car.

He stops as the traffic light is red.

Neteyam leans his head back, taking a loud sigh. After the long day he had, all he wanted to do is get home.

He looks to his right seeing a girl on a motorbike.

"I don't understand why people ride those things. She's going to get herself hurt" Neteyam says as he looks at her.

He rolls his eyes and looks straight again.

Neteyam then adjusts himself in his seat as he puts his hand onto the steering wheel, seeing that the lights about to change.

He then sees the motorbike speed past him.

It startles him a little.

"What the fuck" he whispers under his breath.

He jumps up again as the sound of someone beeping from behind startles.

"Alright alright, I'm going" Neteyam puts his foot down on the pedal and rides off.
"I'm homee!" Aneysa calls out as she walks in through the door.

"In the kitchen!" Her mother responded.

Aneysa took her helmet off, placing it on the hanger near the bottom of the staircase, before walking in towards the kitchen.

"That smells great! What is it?" Aneysa asks as she's walking in.

"Your favourite. Rice balls in sweet coconut milk" Gorya looks at her and smiles.

Rice balls in sweet coconut milk was a dessert that Aneysa had loved growing up. It is a traditional Thai dessert.

"Oh mother, I do love you" Aneysa hugs Gorya from the back, her hands around her mothers shoulders.

"What is the occasion?" Aneysa asks.

"No occasion. I just thought of making it for you. After your first day, I thought we could sit down and eat. Talk about it" Gorya says.

"There's not much to talk about if I'm honest. It's just me listening to Angela ramble on and on and on!" Aneysa says in frustration.

"Oh Aneysa, you know that you actually have to pay attention in your classes right?" Her mother says as she's holding two bowls of dessert, walking into the living room.

"I know but, sometimes she talks too much that I just zone out. She's boring" Aneysa sighs, following her mother inside.

"Aneysa. If you want to really pursue Art, you have to take it seriously. No more faffing around" Gorya says as she takes a seat on the sofa.

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