Chapter 53

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Aneysa and Neteyam walk back into the house slowly, trying not to make any noise.

As they're both creeping up the stairs, Aneysa stops and jumps, seeing Lo'ak stood at the end of the stairs.

"Oh Lo'ak" she smiles nervously.

Hearing his name, Neteyam hid himself behind Aneysa.

"So we just.. humping lamps now?" Lo'ak asks.

Aneysa holds herself together from laughing, knowing Neteyam was already feeling bad enough.

"We were all quite... intoxicated" Aneysa says.

"Well, Nana's taking a nap and you both look an absolute mess. Go sort yourselves out before she sees you and questions you" Lo'ak sighs.

It felt embarrassing to Neteyam.

Him being the older brother and yet, Lo'ak was the one to tell him off.

Aneysa holds onto Neteyam's hand, walking into his bedroom.

She closes the door behind him.

"God I feel so embarrassed" Neteyam let's out a loud sigh.

"Teyam. You have nothing to be embarrassed about. Look, it was your first time being.. high. For all of you. You, Aonung and Love. I've done some very, and I mean very questionable things being high before. There is nothing wrong with it. You only live once, so make the most of it. You know?" Aneysa says to him.

"But I'm the older sibling and I'm meant to be setting an example" Neteyam says.

"Kiri and Lo'ak are old enough to understand right to wrong. They don't need you to set any example for them. That is not your job, you are not their parent. You've set an example for them since they were children, who is to say you are not allowed to have a little bit of fun and live your life?" Aneysa asks him.

A little smile appears on his face.

Aneysa smiles back at him, "the only person you are living for is yourself. Teyam, don't let it be taken away from you. As for Tuk, I understand setting an example. And you've done a great job as that, I can assure you."

Neteyam nods, "I did... kind of have fun last night. Not being sexual with Aonung!.. but the fact that it felt like all my problems had disappeared."

Aneysa nods, "that's good. I'm proud of you."

They both look at each other meaningfully.

"You enjoyed being sexual with Aonung a little bit" Aneysa says to him.

"Yeah you're right.." Neteyam gives a straight face.

Aneysa smirks, "well, there's always room for trying new things."

But Neteyam shakes his head no, "I only want you. Nothing new."

She smiles again, "very well."
Kiri had taken Tuk to the park, to catch up with her friends as Kiri had someone else she needed to catch up with.

"Good afternoon miss. Is this seat taken?"
"Rotxo sit down" Kiri rolls her eyes as she's sat on the bench and hears his voice from behind her.

He laughs and makes his way to sit down, "oh how I've missed you."

"We call every night.." Kiri looks at him.

"Okay? And? It is not the same as seeing you in person" Rotxo replies.

"You are too sweet on me" Kiri says.

"Kiri look!" Tuk calls out to her as she's playing in the sandpit with her friend.

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