Chapter 49

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A couple of days had passed since the holidays of Winter began.

Aneysa had finally moved into Neteyam's room, after his new bed had finally arrived.

Which was perfect as it was Lo'aks' birthday. He was in for a surprise that he could only dream of.

"I can not wait to meet her. She seems lovely" Aneysa says as she's sat in the passenger seat of Neteyam's car as they're on their way to the airport. 

"She is. Truly. I'm glad she will be spending Christmas with us. I am hoping this could be an opportunity for Lo'ak to feel a little better" Neteyam says, taking a glance at Aneysa and back to the road, "Lo'ak is her favourite."

Aneysa pouts in awe, feeling heart warmed.

"Do you think.. she will like me?" Aneysa asks.

"If my mother adores you, she definitely will. Do not worry" Neteyam holds onto Aneysa's hand, "everything will be fine."

Her phone begins to buzz, causing her to use her other hand to answer it, as she did not want to let go of Neteyam's.

They stop at a red light where Neteyam looks to Aneysa as she's on the phone.

"What do you mean there's a problem with the cake?"
"Are you shitting me right now?"
"Go take it back! What are you waiting for?!"

She lets out a grunt and ends the call.

"Relax" he gives a reassuring squeeze to her hand.

"I had specifically asked they give me a chocolate sponge with a Nutella filling because that is what Lo'ak likes. Aonung had gone to pick up the cake and didn't double check and now that they're home he has only realised it is a completely different cake- god what do I do!" Aneysa let's put a sigh.

Neteyam smiles, finding her frustration nothing but adorable.

"All will be well Aneysa. Do not worry, my love" Neteyam says.

"I am just not good when it comes to things like this. I tend to panic if one little thing goes wrong. And for Lo'ak, I just simply can not let anything go wrong. It must be perfect because, he has been through a lot" Aneysa begins to feel like she's failing with his birthday surprise.

"Aneysa. You are very dear to Lo'ak, he will appreciate all your efforts. You know he will" Neteyam says as he uses his other hand to steer the wheel as the light had turned green.

"But what is there to appreciate if the efforts are just simply not good enough?" Aneysa asks.

"You've been keeping me up nights, putting this together. All the effort is being put in, trust me" Neteyam laughs.

"I'm sorry" Aneysa apologises, realising she might have been stressing Neteyam out.

"Hey there is no need for that. Do not apologise" Neteyam says to her.

She smiles and leans her head back against the car seat.
"Father, Lo'ak is here!" Tsireya says.

"Do have fun. And remember to tell your brother that he must be back on time. He has his writing session" Tonowari replies back.

"Yes father" Tsireya's enthusiasm goes completely down the drain. 

She hated the fact that her brother was taking writing lessons.

What? Just because a boy a couple of years older than him told him his writing was bad?

He usually never cares about what anyone says about him.

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