Chapter 75

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Aneysa is walking upstairs, as she had a glass of water in her hand, to give to Neteyam.

When she walks in, she sees him getting himself ready.

"What are you doing? You're meant to be resting, you've only rested for one day. You won't get better any time soon" Aneysa says.

"You slapped one of my colleagues?" Neteyam looks at her.

"Well yes. I slapped Ethan" Aneysa shrugs, "wait, how do you know about this?"

"Because I've just been called in. Aneysa, what were you thinking?!" Neteyam raises his voice at her.

"Neteyam you better watch the way you're speaking to me right now" Aneysa replies as she puts the glass down on the desk, facing him.

"Aneysa I could lose my job because of this" Neteyam says.

"But you did nothing wrong" Aneysa replies, "Ethan deserved what he got."

"I just.." he sighs, placing his hand on his head, before moving it away and looking back down at Aneysa, "why? Why do you have to be so reckless?"

"Me? Reckless? When you are the one that was found drunk, laying down at the table that night, with a bill left to your name. Yeah, some colleagues" she replies, sarcastically.

"You don't understand how bad this is for me, do you? I'm telling you I could lose my job. Why did you not speak to me about it? Or why not slap him when he's not in the hospital?" Neteyam asks.

"Okay, maybe I was wrong for that. And I apologise. But how do you think I felt when I found you on your own like that, that night? Everything that they did to you, I was mad. Furious, even. And if it makes it any better, I'll come with you and explain everything and apologise or something-"

"You've done enough Aneysa" Neteyam replies, his voice sounding tired and strained.

"Teyam" she looked at him in disbelief for what he had said.

"I'll just.. handle this on my own" Neteyam walks past her, walking out the bedroom.

"Fuck sake, that snitch" she muttered under her breath, "I should have killed him when I had the chance.


Neteyam arrived to the hospital shortly after.

"Dr.Sully. You are not meant to be in? You're sick" Jamie says.

"Well, turns out I have to be. Because of my manager" Neteyam says.

Despite the fact that Neteyam was the head doctor, he had a manager himself.

And let's say, his manager wasn't as sweet as she looked.

"Is this about what your girlfriend did?" Jamie asks, as him and Neteyam were both walking. He wasn't sure where exactly, but was following anyways.

"I really don't wish to talk about it" Neteyam replies, as he enters his office, getting his white coat on.

"You don't mind me coming in, do you?" Jamie asks. 

"I- you know what, sure" Neteyam shrugs.

"I just want to say, your girlfriend is amazing" Jamie says.

"That she is, despite the fact she does not think before she does something" Neteyam replies.

"She only did it because she cares about you" Jamie says.

Neteyam looks at him.

"The night that you went out with them, she came looking for you. She was worried. And spent, I'm not sure how long, but she spent a while, looking for you around town. She did act quite rationally when she hit Dr.Ethan. But it is only because she cares about you" Jamie says.

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