Chapter 14

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It is the following Monday.

Aneysa is walking through the hallway, making her way to class on a Monday morning.

"Hey beautiful" someone puts his arms around her.

"Ew get off me!" Aneysa pushes him off and looks at him, "ugh as if!"

She hears Lo'ak laugh, to then turn around and see Lo'ak walking towards her.

"Damn that was a hard rejection!" Lo'ak says.

"Yes. As it should be" Aneysa says.

"Anyways, I need your help" Lo'ak says.

"What have you done now?" Aneysa says.

"I took Tsireya out on a date yesterday" Lo'ak says.

"Oh. Why did you make it sound like you did something wrong?" Aneysa says.

"Well the date went two ways" Lo'ak shrugs.

"You didn't fuck her did you?" Aneysa asks.

"No. Kind of" Lo'ak says.

"What? How? When?" Aneysa stops walking and looks at him.

"I didn't take her virginity. We just.. did things" Lo'ak says.


During the day.
"Woo go Lo'ak!" Tsireya cheers him on as he's bowling the ball.

He manages to hit all the pins, and to celebrate, he walks to Tsireya and lifts her up, giving her a kiss.

To end the day.

"Oh Lo'ak" Tsireya moans as her head hits the headboard of her bed.

Lo'ak then peaks up out from under the covers, with his head inbetween her legs before moving to kiss her.
"So you went from bowling and a cute date, to eating her out?" Aneysa asks.

He nods.

"Okay why is this information being given to me? What is going on!" Aneysa gets frustrated.

"Well, I stayed the night and ended up meeting Tonowari the next morning" Lo'ak says.

"Oh no" Aneysa realises the problem.

"I felt like I peed my pants the second I seen him because god, that man is so fuckin scary" Lo'ak says, "anyways, he wants me to come to have dinner today at their house to get to know me more."

"Oh. That's not bad I guess. Shows him you are genuine about his favourite child if you attends" Aneysa smiles.

"No, it's really bad. Im going to get so nervous and I don't even know what to say" Lo'ak says.

"So.. you want me to be there too?" Aneysa asks.

He nods, and pleads with his eyes.

"Lo'ak that'll be embarrassing" Aneysa says.

"Neteyam will be there too" Lo'ak says.

"So, the time?" Aneysa asks.

"He's invited us for seven in the evening" Lo'ak says.

"Great I'll be there" Aneysa only wants to go, as she knows Neteyam will be there too.

As they're talking, they hear Savanna's voice.

"Tsireya. Don't walk away from me" She calls out.

Tsireya is walking in front of her, her face showing she was upset.

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