Chapter 51

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"Why am I.. excited?" Neteyam asks as he's walking in, holding onto Aonung's arm.

"I just.. can't stop smelling you" Aonung replies, taking another sniff of Neteyam.

"You're making me blush" Neteyam let's out a little giggle.

"Will you two knock it off?" Aneysa pushes Aonung away from Neteyam, "you have a girlfriend."

"She knows I love her" Aonung smiles, putting his arm around Love's shoulder.

"Stop sniffing my boyfriend then" Aneysa says to him.

Neteyam let's out a little chuckle, "it's okay babe. I'm all yours."

Aneysa sighs.

"You said we should have fun? So let's have fun" Neteyam takes Aonung to the dance floor.

"So we're all just going to make out with each other. Great" Aneysa says to herself.

"I'll make out with you" Love says to her.

"I need to find Athena first" Aneysa says.

"Ooh. A five some?!" Love suggests.

"What? No.. go to Aonung I'll join you in a moment" Aneysa says.

"Aonung! Aneysa wants an orgy!" Love screams as she runs to Aonung.

"Let's do it!" Aonung shouts back.

"Jesus this is a lot worse then I expected to be" Aneysa mutters to herself.

She sees Athena.

"Athena! What the hell!" Aneysa walks to her, "you gave us edibles?"

"It was a mistake. They were meant to be my brothers. It all got muddled up.. how are you not high?" Athena asks.

"Edibles don't affect me much. A spliff? Maybe. But I only had two anyways. Neteyam had about four, Love and Aonung both had five. This is a mess" Aneysa says.

"There's a couple of bedrooms upstairs. It if gets too much, you can just take them upstairs" Athena says.

"Aneysa look!" Neteyam calls out to her.

She turns around to see Aonung putting his hands all over Neteyam.

"I mean.." Athena looked quite impressed.

"God I hate men" Aneysa walks off to Aonung and Neteyam.

But before she could pull them apart, Love grabs onto her.

"Love, I-"
"Shhh. Just enjoy the music" she says to her before she begins to dance all over Aneysa.

"I'm going to need a couple of shots for this" Aneysa mutters to herself as she feels Love's hand over her chest.

She sees a waiter walking around with a tray of tequila shots.

"Hey you!" She calls out to him.

He walks towards her.

Aneysa takes ten shots, one glass after the other.

"Miss you should slow down on them. They are quite strong" the waiter says.

"Not strong enough" Aneysa takes the last shot and puts it down on the tray.

She turns back around to Love.

"Have you ever... kissed a girl?" Love asks her.

Aneysa shakes her head no.

"Do you.. want to?" Love asks.

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