Chapter 71

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Aneysa walks into the hospital.

"I've been calling him for five minutes now. Where is she?" She mutters to herself as she's making her way through.

"Aneysa?" Neteyam's nurse calls out to her.

"I'm looking for Teyam" Aneysa says.

"He left. He left thirty minutes ago" She says.

"Neteyam? Dr.Sully? He left?" Aneysa asks.
The nurse nods.

Where could he have gone? After Aneysa had told him she'd be coming to pick him up.

She begins to call him again. But he does not pick up.

"Come on Teyam. Pick up" Aneysa says as she's trying to call him again.

She decides to walk in anyways.

Maybe they were mistaken. Maybe he was just with Lo'ak. Looking after Lo'ak.

She walks through the hallway, coming to Lo'aks' door. But all she saw was Lo'ak laying down.

She lets out a sigh. She wanted to make sure Neteyam was okay. But Lo'ak.. Lo'ak was laying right there.

Aneysa walks in, closing the door behind her.

She makes her way slowly, sitting down, next to his bed.

Aneysa tilts her head as she looks at him.

"Hey, Lo'ak" she whispers as she smiles at him.

She brings her hand forward, holding onto his, "you are sleeping here so peacefully. I hope I'm not disturbing you."

Aneysa watches him, as he doesn't respond to her.
His hands were so warm and yet, hers were so cold.

She quickly lets go, "I'm sorry. I didn't realise. In fact, I'm trying to find Teyam. He's become like you. Going out without telling anybody."

She laughs.

"I miss you Lo'ak. We all do. Please, come back to us. Hm?" Aneysa says.

She lets out a sigh as Lo'ak continues to lay there silently. His eyes closed. 

Not a sight of him moving. At all.

Jamie walks in, "excuse me? Who are you?"

Aneysa looks at him confused, seeing him in a white coat, as he looked quite young.

"Oh I'm just visiting" Aneysa smiles, "I was also here for my boyfriend but I have no idea where he's gone. Who are you?"

"I'm a trainee. I'm being trained by Dr.Sully" Jamie says.

"Dr.Sully! Him! He's my boyfriend! Have you seen him? Where did he go?" Aneysa asks.

"His colleagues took him out. I'm not sure where but, he joined them. Even though.." Jamie stops speaking.

"What? What is it?" Aneysa asks.

"They said some stuff about Dr.Sully. Saying that he is stuck up. They don't seem to like him and yet.. they invited him" Jamie tells Aneysa.


"Sully will have a drink too! Pour him a little" Ethan says.

"I'm fine" Neteyam replies, "I don't need a drink."

"Oh come on. Why don't you let yourself free a little? You know, live your life to the fullest! Don't be a buzzkill" Ethan says.

"Sully! Sully! Sully!" They all started chanting slowly.

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