Chapter 9

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Neteyam walks into the bedroom.

Lo'ak looks up at him, after taking a spoon of broth.

He swallows it down quickly, "brother! What a pleasant suprise!" He laughs nervously.

"Boy what the hell? You're in another girls bedroom half naked, waking up from a hangover" Neteyam says.

"I said it's okay so, it's fine" Aneysa interrupts.

Neteyam looks at her.

"Plus my mom made him that broth. So I'm guessing she likes him too" Aneysa shrugs.

"Aren't you Neteyam? Neteyam Sully?" Aonung asks.

"Yes?" Neteyam looks at him confused.

"So that means" Aonung points to Lo'ak.

Aneysa hits his hand down, "shut up."

"Okay" Aonung stands back not saying anything.

"And you are?" Neteyam asks.

Aonung puts his arm around Aneysa's waist.

"I'm Aonung. Aonung Geljo" Aonung introduces himself.

Neteyam looks down at Aonung's hand placement on Aneysa's waist and then back to Aonung.

"Ah. Mr.Geljo's son I see" Neteyam nods.

"We get it. Two rich families who know each other. Blah blah" Aneysa cuts the conversation, "can we go downstairs. There's too many boys in my room right now."

"Well you're the one who invited him into your bed" Neteyam says about Lo'ak, as he stands up.

"You know what, I would have said that next time I'd leave Lo'ak out on the street for you to find him and sort him out yourself. But he's my friend so unfortunately I cannot do that" Aneysa says, walking towards him.

"What? Do you like my brother? Is that what it is?" Neteyam asks, looking down at her.

"If I may" Aonung interrupts.
"No you may not" Neteyam looks at Aonung and back down at Aneysa.

"Brother that's enough" Lo'ak stands up and moves Neteyam away from Aneysa.

Aneysa looks to Lo'ak.

"I'm sorry about everything. Really" Lo'ak says.

She shakes her head no, "it's okay. Don't worry about it."

Lo'ak puts on his jeans, as Aneysa looks away.

It becomes silent in the room.

"Hurry up" Neteyam says and walks past Aneysa.

Aneysa follows him out.

"What is your issue with me? Seriously?" Aneysa asks.

He turns around, "my issue?"

"Yes your issue" Aneysa asks.

"I have no issue with you. I just don't want my brother getting into trouble" Neteyam says.

"So you think snarky comments is going to keep him out of trouble? I'm his friend. I don't want him getting in trouble either" Aneysa says.

He sighs, "you're right. Im sorry."

She nods, "it's fine."

Lo'ak walks out, seeing Neteyam and Aneysa stood next to each other.

"I'll wait for you downstairs" Neteyam says to Lo'ak and walks down.

Aonung is stood behind Lo'ak.

"Aonung. Could you go downstairs for a minute. I need to speak with Lo'ak" she says.

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