Chapter 4

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Aneysa walks back into her house.

"I'm home!" She calls out.

No one responds.

"Kavin!" She calls out.

Still no response.

"Hm. He must have gone out to get groceries" Aneysa shrugged her shoulders.

As she's taking her jacket off, she sees a blood stain on the floor, in the carpet.

"Is that blood?" She asks herself and bends down, taking a closer look at it.

"What the hell?" She whispers and looks back up around her.

"Kavin? Are you home?" She calls out again.

She still gets no response.

"Well this both weird and creepy" Aneysa makes her way to her bedroom to get ready.

Before she gets into the shower, she checks her phone.

"I have two hours to go. I think I can get ready by then" she encourages herself before putting her phone down.

She gets her towels and shampoo before making her way to the bathroom.

"I'll pick out my outfit when I come out" she says, before closing the door behind her.

Aneysa comes out of the shower, 30 minutes later.

"What to wear, what to wear" Aneysa mutters as she opens her wardrobe.

She picks out a black rib ruffle hem dress.

She lays it down on her bed, before going to her dressing table and getting herself ready.

"I still have some time left. I could curl my hair?" Aneysa asks herself as she looks in her dressing table mirror, trying to figure out how to do her hair.
"Where is she?" Aonung asks, as he's sat in his car, one hand on the steering wheel and the other arm rested on the arm rest next to him.

"She's just putting her shoes on. She's coming" Tsireya says.

Aneysa walks out.

Aonung sees her and looks at her.

He smirks and rolls down the window, "well god damn!"

Aneysa smirks as she's walking towards the car.

The dress she picked out covered her arms fully, the length being past her wrist. She chose to wore her Versace platform boots, boots that she didn't wear that often as she didn't have many expensive things.

And also because, it was the last thing her father gifted to her.

She opens the car door to the front seat, sitting down.

Tsireya usually sat at the back, as she found it uncomfortable sitting at the front.

Also because she liked putting her legs up through the car journey.

"Thanks for picking me up guys" Aneysa says as she sits down.

"Hey if I knew you were coming back I'd have come get you yesterday" Aonung says.

She smiles at him, "you are precious."

"That I am" Aonung smirks.

He starts the car, driving off.
Aneysa gets out the car, after they arrive to the university, parked in the parking lot.

"I am going to be late" Aneysa mutters as she closes the door.

She turns around and sees Lo'ak walking further away.

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