Chapter 57

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"Aonung! Love! Open up, come on!" Aneysa bangs on their cabin door as she's squealing with excitement.

Aonung quickly sits up, as though he was woke up from a bad dream.

He checks his phone.


He looks to Love, "Love?"

She opens her eyes, eagerly wanting to close them again.

"It's ten" he says softly, trying to wake her up.

She grunts a little but manages to open her eyes.

Aonung walks towards the cabin door to open it.

"You cannot be serious.. you're not ready yet!" Tsireya shouts.

"Nunggg!" Aneysa complains.

"I'm sorry we just.. didn't get much sleep last night" Aonung shrugs.

Aneysa let's out a little giggle, "right, come on. Up up up!"

She walks in and towards the bed, pulling the blanket off Love.

"Rise and shine!" She says in a singing voice.

"Isn't it raining?" Love sat up.

"Nope. It's sunny!" Aneysa smiles.

Neteyam laughs, "she's been excited all morning. Woke me up at eight."

"You have all the time to sleep when we get home now come onnn!" Aneysa says.

"Alright alright. You guys go ahead. We'll get ready and catch up" Aonung says.

Aneysa runs back to Neteyam, "there is a lake nearby. Let's go."

"Why are you so excited? Did you take something?" Lo'ak asks.

She shakes her head no, "I'm just really excited to spend the day with everyone."

"Come on" Neteyam rolls his eyes and laughs, as he takes Aneysa's hand and they both walk off.

"Be quick" Tsireya says, before closing the door.

"I know it's sunny but it's a bit chilly. You going to be okay in that?" Lo'ak asks Tsireya, as she was wearing a white sundress with green floral prints.

"Yes. I will be fine" she replies with a smile.

But she clearly was not, as the goosebumps on her legs were very visible.

Lo'ak takes off his jacket, putting it over Tsireya's shoulder.

"I do not wish for you to fall ill. That's all" Lo'ak replies.

"But what about you?" Tsireya asks.

"I will be fine. Don't worry" Lo'ak says.

Tsireya smiles at him before holding onto his hand.

"Do you notice something about the outfits I picked out?" Aneysa asks Neteyam.

He looks at himself, as he was wearing a dark brown sweater, along with cream coloured cargos and then looks at Aneysa, seeing she had on a dark brown pleated shirt along with cream coloured jeans underneath.

"You're an angel" He smiles at her.

She smiles back at him, "I'm just very excited."

"And you should be. Spending a whole day with me" Neteyam puts his arm around her waist, pulling her closer to him.

"You mean spending the whole day with everyone" Aneysa replies.

"But I'm more important" Neteyam says.

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