Chapter 34

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"Are you sure about this?" Lo'ak asks Aneysa as her, Aonung and Lo'ak were stood outside Thyme's brother's house.

"I'm his innocent niece. Do you really think he'd suspect anything?" She looks at Lo'ak and smirks.

"I've gotta say, this evil villain era is looking great on you" Lo'ak says sarcastically.

"Thanks! Your brother taught me" Aneysa replies before walking forward.

Aonung creeps behind the house, as Aneysa rings the doorbell.

They wait for a while, until the door opens.

"Uncle Tan!" She smiles at her uncle and hugs him.

Her uncle was quite surprised, "what are you doing here?"

"Well you didn't come to the funeral" Aneysa moves away from him.

"Funeral?" Tan asks.

"My mother. She has sadly passed away" Aneysa says.

"Oh Aneysa, I'm so sorry. I had no idea, come in. Is this your boyfriend?" Tan asks, pointing to Lo'ak.

"Yes. He is" she holds his hand as they both walk in, closing the door behind them.

Aonung comes back forward, as he reaches the security camera on top of the front door.

He cuts the wire from behind.
"Here, some tea" Tan puts a tray down at the table in front of Lo'ak and Aneysa.

"It is a kind gesture uncle. Really" Aneysa smiles at him.

"Do you have a bathroom by any chance?" Lo'ak asks.

"Yes. Up, to your left" Tan says.

Lo'ak excused himself, leaving only Aneysa as Tan alone.

"I must say Aneysa, you have grown up very much" Tan says.

"That is a good thing, is it not?" Aneysa asks.

"You look just like your mother" he smiles.

Aneysa then begins to fake cry.

"Oh I'm so sorry-"
"No I'm sorry" Aneysa wipes her tears, "it is just that. Every time she is mentioned, it hurts. You know?"

He nods, "let me get you a napkin" he walks up and makes his way into the kitchen.

After a couple of seconds, he comes back, handing her a napkin.

"Thankyou" she sniffs, "also I must say. Your tea is very lovely. It is sweet. Did you perhaps add some honey?"

He nods and smiles.

"Ah. Just like my father" She smiles at him.

"Well, we are brothers" he chuckles.
"Yeah, some brother" Aneysa mutters.

"What was that?" Tan asks.

"You. You're a great brother. Honestly" Aneysa smiles and then looks down at his tea cup, "it's getting cold. You should drink it."

"You are probably right" Tan says.
Lo'ak makes his way upstairs, walking past the bathroom, making his way to Tan's office.

As he walks in, Aonung had already made his way, as he jumped through the window.

"So? Anything?" Lo'ak asks.

"I'm trying to hack into the system, it might take me a while" Aonung says.

"You seem quite focused" Lo'ak says.

"Well of course. I don't want to disappoint her. I've already done enough of that" Aonung replies, without taking his eyes off Tan's computer.

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