Chapter 830 The New Demigod, Cyclops

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  West Coast of the Elf Forest, Milovia.

  Above the sky, clouds roll and converge in the direction of the city, forming a vortex.

  It's not a cloud, but a cloud of magic formed by the condensing of magic, which converges into a vortex of magic.

  The center of the vortex, aimed at no other place, is the temple of life in Milovia.

  Suddenly, the vortex poured down, and the magic of the storm poured down, creating a tornado-like scene.

  Indistinctly, there is a vast pressure, is slowly rising ... ...

  In the city, whether frost elves, or players, all looked up and looked in the direction of the temple.

  "Look ! The temple of life!

  " what happened there?"

  Looking at the Magic Tornado, the players looked surprised.

  And the next second, a pale blue column of light rises to the sky, breaking through the clouds !

  The pillar of light, with the lightning of the way, is like the god of thunder.

  The column of light came and went quickly, going back and forth for about a few seconds.

  After that, the clouds in the sky slowly dissipated, and the magic vortex gradually disappeared.

  The rear of the Temple of Life, in front of a temple that has been closed since months ago, is gradually filled with curious players.

  Here, it is the West that has just appeared.

  And the next moment, the door of the temple slowly opened, a tall black-haired elf came out.

  He is also surrounded by Tao lightning, which makes him look mighty.

  With the return of the Mingdell Shadow Elves, the legendary Elf Keretz who came to the world of Segways.

  No, I can't call him the legendary genie anymore.

  After coming to the world of Segs, he finally took the final step, stepping into the demigod level. He became the fourth elf demigod in the forest of the elf ! the king of the goblins, the star of dawn Aurora, and the shadow of the night of Eris.

  Keretz's look was a little excited.

  He looked at his hands as if he was still feeling his new-found power.

  And the players who came, looking at him was completely changed.

  Legendary npc's avatar frame is purple epic.

  But after the promotion of the demigod, it will transform into gold, become the golden legend level of npc.

  " golden nppc anymore!"

  "He must have been promoted to a demigod ! I've heard Alice say before that he's in Milovia ready for promotion!

  "Wow ! Another demi-god ! Find a way to brush the good feeling!

  The players are bright.

  However, before some bold players come forward to congratulate them, another golden light descends on the temple of life.

  Accompanied by the hymn, a beautiful and dreamy elemental goblin slowly emerges in the air.

  King of goblins, finnier.

  The goddess's first emissary is also known to the players, seeing his arrival, the players have stopped the movement in their hands, solemn.

  I have to be solemn, because before when Fenier arrived, there were players who had made trouble, but finally directly detained a good feeling and prestige evaluation, than offending Aurora even worse.

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