Chapter 842 Return to Elf Forest

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  The golden triumphal stone gate stands above the sea, and the moonlight queen Diana and thousands of elves enter it in a brilliant glow.

  Vision changes, sea changes, the west coast of the Elf Forest has come into view.

  Looking at the lush and beautiful forest, Diana's eyes were full of excitement.

  His blue-purple pupils glowed, as he was in the mood at this moment.

  It's been a thousand years ... ...

  It's almost a thousand years ... ...

  He finally returned to this day and night love place, he also finally saw this dream world again !

  Looking at the bustling elf port on the coast, looking at the ships coming and going in the port, Diana even thought she was in a dream for a moment.

  Of course, the cool sea breeze, the cheerful and free chirping of seabirds in the sky, and the faint bells of the city on the shore told him that it was not a dream.

  If it is, then the dream is... beautiful.

  " milovia... ...this is milovia!"

  said Diana in a trembling voice.

  As the former queen of the Elf Kingdom, He remembers any place in the Elf Forest, and he remembers any city.

  But this elf city before us, and Diana's distant memory of the seaside city is faintly different ... ...

  The port here seems to be more prosperous than it was a thousand years ago, and the merchant ship, loaded with cargo and flying all kinds of flags, is like Milovia has never been.

  Not only that, but the city seems to be bigger than I remember. From afar, one white elf building after another has risen, and besides those that Diana knows, many are clearly new, especially along the coast. You can see the elegant and exquisite villa estates.

  And on the bank's causeway, you can see many, many spirits coming and going.

  Unlike Diana's memory of the frost elves, although the frost tribes account for a significant proportion of these elves, there are many other elves of different hair colors, jumping and jumping on the shore.

  Um ... ...

  Wait ... ...

  Jumping and jumping ?

  Looking at the elves jumping around on the coast embankment, Diana was a little stunned.

  And at the next moment, he heard several loud and clear dragon chanting from the sky ... ...

  It was a majestic dragon, each dragon's back, with the figure of an elf.

  Not only that, in addition to the dragon, there are various flying warcrafts, they carry the spirit, or into the city fall, or take off to fly to the distance ... ...

  This is a scene Diana has never seen, because in history, the Elvens, although the sons of nature and signed contracts with many Warcrafts, have never had so many flying Warcrafts as they do today.

  Especially... ...and the dragons !

  In the sky, on the ground, in the ocean ... ...

  In any way, this elf city is more prosperous than Diana remembers !

  "Is this... ...all the credit of the Elf Chosen, summoned under the crown of the Mother God?"

  Diana muttered, unable to resist.

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