Chapter 838 is arranged to be clear and clear ... ...

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  A team of thousands of people, with families and families still pulling salutes, is not fast.

  It is worth mentioning that Diana has no longer let the four seasons help, but let him concentrate on leading the way.

  In His words, although I can't see my eyes, there are other ways to perceive the world.

  However, the four seasons doubted that the moonlight queen did not want everyone to see her fragile appearance because of seeing other elves.

  From the clues, he found that all the elves here loved Diana very much, or... ...Diana was like their spiritual leader.

  Four seasons will be their discovery through the game network to inform the distant friends, and a few already to the elf incomparably familiar players gave the answer :

  "It's normal. The elves of the Moonlight tribe have always had a high reputation among the elves, and Diana was once the elf queen, and naturally all the elves respected."

  "If you look closely, the most respected NPCs in the whole Elf Forest are Elf, apart from Saint Alice, who is the spokesman of the Goddess, Al, the Big Sister, and Serandil. And they all belong to the Moonlight clan.

  "And the reason why the Moonlight tribe is so special is said to be because their image is closest to the Goddess Lord."

  Listening to the friends' science, four sunny and rainy memories, suddenly found that it is.

  He also suddenly felt that he might understand why he couldn't use silver hair when creating characters.

  Maybe... had something to do with it.

  Four seasons of sunshine and rain while communicating with the companions remotely, while showing the elves the way.

  Along the way, the obstruction he feared did not appear, and the elves' departure did not cause any waves.

  And by the time the whole team came out of the mountains, it was almost noon.

  The carriage was still parked at the entrance of the mountains, and Lena the Orc was sitting bored, shaking her legs and waving around with a long straw pole in her hand.

  Seeing the four seasons of sunshine and rain, her ears snapped up instantly, and her eyes were bright :

  "Mr. Elf ! You're out at last!'

  "You haven't gone back yet?"

  Four sunny and rainy days a little surprised, he clearly told the girl before leaving can go back first, but now look, the other side this is here waiting for him all night ?

  "Hey hey, how can you leave a guest alone?"

  The Orc maiden vomited her tongue.

  But soon, she stared wide-eyed, shocked to see with the appearance of the four seasons of sunshine and rain, one by one out of the mountains of the elves :

  " elves... ...many elves!"

  Looking at the girl's shock and excitement, she laughed.

  He talked to each other before entering the mountains, knowing that there were elves living on Neverland, and that, like the elves in the Republic, they had lost their faith, but they had not passed the trial of the Republic.

  It can be predicted that after knowing that the people intend to return to Segways, these elves will certainly choose to return together.

  However, their number does not seem to be large, according to Lena, there is only a small village of less than 200 people.

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