Chapter 855 "The Martyr"

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  "Arrest this heathen who has bewitched the world!"

  The black-robed priest looked coldly at Cyber and commanded the judgment knights.

  The poor people present changed their eyes and immediately became agitated.

  Leading by the old man who was once a professional, many people took the initiative to protect Cyber in front of him, staring at the judgment knight who rushed into the church with angry eyes.

  At the same time, I heard someone swearing :

  "Bah ! Stooges of the Eternal Church!

  Seeing the behavior of the poor, Cyber slightly stunned, inexplicably floated a feeling of indescribable truth.

  He never thought that most of these poor people, who are not even professionals, were standing in front of themselves at this moment !

  And at this point, a faint voice came from behind Cyber :

  "Lord Cyber, come with me. The Eternal Church is chasing the preachers of life. I know there's a hidden path behind the church. Come with me and escape through the back door!"

  It was a thin teenager.

  As he hid the fear in his eyes, he boldly pulled up the corner of Cyber's clothes and pointed to the back of the church.

  Cyber's vision is more complicated.

  He looked at the poor around him and found that many people were hinting with their eyes that he had fled quickly and moved his body again to block him.

  "Hmm, stop the church enforcers, arrest them and take them away ! Rebels... ...killed on the spot!"

  Looking at the little movements of the poor, the black-robed priest said bleakly with a dark eye.

  The commotion in the crowd was even greater.

  At the same time, the judgment knights pulled out their swords, pointing straight to the poor in front of Cyber.

  They were deadpan and imposing, and when the breath burst out, even Cyber's pupils collapsed.

  These judgment knights are all gold professionals !

  The poor looked fearful, but no one left.

  The black-robed priest's face was even worse.

  He gave the order to the judgment knights, but as soon as the judgment knights took a step, there was a high voice from the crowd :

  "Wait a minute!"

  It's cyber.

  He ignored the eyes of the poor, gently pushed away the hands of the poor and walked out of the crowd.

  He had a calm look :

  "I'm coming with you. Don't hurt the civilians."

  " lord cyber!"

  There was a burst of exclamation from the poor.

  But Cyber just raised his hand to stop them :

  " don't worry, i'm fine."

  With that, he turned around and smiled at the crowd :

  "Don't be impulsive, please always remember that as long as there is light in the heart, there is hope in the future."

  With that, he reached out to the judgment knights and took it down.

  " tie him up!"

  The black-robed priest ordered.

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