Chapter 853 Praise the Goddess

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  Keretz's call to Frank the White Knight was just a hiccup.

  In fact, except for some of the players who participated in the war, most people did not even know about the addition of a human mercenary regiment in the war mission to destroy the demons.

  The player's power is not what it used to be, and there are demigods in it, so... ...this war mission is not difficult to advance.

  After a night's rest, the army continued its march south.

  News of the Elf Army's attack has spread throughout the south, and the players' record has already killed the demons who are breathing, so they have encountered little decent resistance along the way.

  Less than four days later, the players finally arrived at the demons' last stronghold in the Segways world, Morudo.

  This is a city transformed into a fortress by the demons, originally only 10 meters high wall, has been raised by the demons to a full 40 meters.

  And the number of demons entrenched here is more than 50,000, and all of them are powerful guys.

  This is also very normal, the strength is not strong, has long become the player's contribution and experience value in the pursuit, can escape here, the strength is not weak.

  Of course, even if the strength is strong, compared with the high morale, the number of players who have broken through the 200,000 mark, or not enough.

  Years of fighting, players have accumulated enough experience, this imperial army judged as unbreakable demon city, less than half a month time, was breached by players.

  Among them, the demigod Kairetz even killed a legendary demon monarch.

  Fifty thousand demons were besieged and wiped out, seventeen abyss mother's nests were destroyed, and the scepter flag belonging to the Church of Life was planted on the walls.

  And Eve's idol, also after the war was accompanied by the elf priests into the makeshift temple.

  Inside the temple, the demigod Kelez kneels in front of the idol and prays piously.

  After him, he was followed by a group of elves and priests.

  For so many days, Keretz did not shoot, waiting for today.

  His divine power, has more important things to do.

  He faces the idol, painted a symbol of the scepter of life on his chest, praying piously :

  "Praise nature, praise life, praise the great tree of the world — Eve Yuktrahir!"

  "O supreme mother god ! May you come to great power to purify this filthy world..."

  Keretz looked pious and solemn.

  With His prayers, a golden glow bloomed in Him and quickly resonated with the idol.

  At the same time, Eve's idols began to shine throughout the Southern Territory, in all the cities that were captured by the players, in the shrines.

  Then, a column of light rose to the sky, straight to the sky.

  On the sky, the rolling clouds were torn apart instantly, and it was the power of the abyss that converged in the sky.

  At this moment, they seem to be pulled by some mysterious force, began to dissipate quickly, purify ... ...

  The column of light continued to twinkle, and the white clouds gradually replaced the black clouds above the sky, and the cotton-like clouds continued to converge and gradually became thick.

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