Chapter 885 Empress of the Empire Maria 2

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Eternal Era Early June 1073.
  That is five months after the Eternal Church launched the Great Holy War against the Church of Life.
  As the war continued, the decline of the aristocrats of the human kingdom became more and more obvious, and the church of life had launched a counter-offensive on each battlefield.
  From the desert of death to the forest of elves, from the freedom of the maple moon to the alliance of the southern pursuers, the news of the defeat of the aristocrats has been carried back to the center of the human kingdom like raindrops, more and more exaggerated, making the human aristocrats more and more alarmed.
  At the same time, in the kingdom of mankind, especially the Holy Mania Empire, where the Church of Life controls the strongest, the missionary activities of the Church of Life, which were successfully suppressed by the Eternal Church, have been carried out in full swing again with the reversal of the war ... ...
  A very subtle atmosphere began to spread throughout the human kingdom, in the Holy Mandia Empire.
  And when the time came to mid-June, another great news happened in the Holy Mania Empire.
  Since the "God of Twilight and Sunset" incident, Queen Maria II, who had been bedridden by anger, finally woke up for a moment again after nearly two years of intermittent coma.
  However, not long after sobering, the nearly 84-year-old imperial queen learned of the Great Jihad and the defeat of the aristocrats, and fainted again on the spot.
  And this time, the Imperial Queen's condition deteriorated so dramatically that she never woke up ... ...
  The news of the Queen's critical illness soon spread throughout the imperial center, and the whole of the human empire was once again in a kind of chaos.
  Especially after the cardinal of the Eternal Church, who excelled in healing magic, was invited to the Queen's hospital bed by the central aristocrats and shook his head helplessly, the atmosphere of the Imperial Cabinet and the Imperial Parliament became more subtle.
  Everyone realized that the queen, who had ruled the empire for 70 years, had finally come to the end of the oil and the lamp was dead and could die at any time.
  Holy Mania Empire, it's going to change.
  The external war was lost and the internal political situation was unstable.
  This made the noble council of the Holy Mania Empire even more chaotic.
  Especially after the news of the imperial queen's critical illness spread, the aristocrats of different minds quarreled even more in parliament.
  About the choice of the next emperor, about the situation of the Great Holy War, about their own interests... ...the nobles quarreled.
  The queen is like a sea-fixing needle.
  Even with the Queen's serious illness and the regent of the Noble Council and the Bishop of Winster over the past two years, the entire Holy Mania Empire was able to function in the 70 years of prestige accumulated by Maria II.
  However, when the queen is dying, when anyone can feel the atmosphere of the middle and high levels of the empire, the aristocrats will unconsciously begin to plan for the future, start to hold the group, start to stand in line ... ...
  Similarly, there are ambitions who are starting to move in the dark.
  But it's like a coin always has two sides.
  Perhaps because the defeat and defeat of the Great Holy War seriously thwarted the power of the imperial aristocrats, especially those who had the strength to compete for the throne, the entire imperial parliament had no objection to the continued succession of the imperial throne by the current imperial royal family, the Tres family.
  But the aristocrats began to quarrel fiercely over whether to make Princess Teresa, the orthodox heir to Maria II, the new emperor, or whether to elect a more experienced adult royal member of the Tres family as emperor.

  Among them, the big aristocrats tend to support the young princess as emperor, while the small and medium aristocrats prefer to choose a royal who can turn the tide.
  The two sides quarreled in the Imperial Council, seemingly forgetting the fact that although the Imperial Queen was critically ill, she was still alive and still master of the Empire ... ...
  "The throne must, and can only be inherited by Princess Teresa ! According to the seal of His Majesty Carl I, Princess Teresa was the first heir to the Empire ! She is our future emperor, Your Majesty!
  In the Imperial Council, after learning of the Queen's serious illness, the Elector and Speaker of the Council, the Duke of Correns, who had withdrawn from the battlefield overnight, said firmly.
  "Her Royal Highness Princess Teresa is too young, and although she is indeed the first heir to the empire according to the seal, the internal and external troubles of the empire are not something a girl under the age of fifteen can bear."
  "What we need is a more mature, more powerful emperor ! According to the Imperial Election Act, we have the right to choose a more suitable person among the Tress!
  On the other side of Parliament, the Marquis of Weimar, a representative of the small and medium-sized aristocrats, shook his head.
  "Her Excellency the Marquis ! Princess Theresa's succession to the throne was something that the Imperial Council had decided two years ago. Have you forgotten?!
  The Duke of Correns retorted.
  And the Marquis of Weimar sneered :
  "Duke, do you want to control the imperial center and control the parliament with the nobles, to let a child of understanding succeed to the throne?"
  " unbridled!"
  " shameless!"
  The aristocrats quarreled and even fought in parliament, and the whole venue was miasma.
  This made the regent, bishop winster, who sat on the side of the parliamentary field and watched the farce of the meeting, frowning and disappointed in the depths of his eyes.
  "That's enough ! When is it ! Still quarreling, now jihad is bad, the situation is unstable, not the time of infighting!
  Looking at the more chaotic venue, he could not help but use the power of legend, on the spot to drink.
  The pressure of the legend spread, the venue gradually quieted down, but when the great nobles headed by the Duke of Collens looked at Bishop Winster, the bad eyes quickly turned to sneer :
  "Jihad is bad ? If the Eternal Church had not forcibly declared the Great Holy War at this time and encouraged the Empire to send troops to the Southern and Maple Moon Free Leaders, how could it have become what it is today ? Moreover, when the war has reached this point, why have the Legion of Judges and the Legion of Angels of the Church not started?"
  "Watch your words ! His Excellency the Duke of Correns ! Are you expressing your dissatisfaction with the church?!
  On the other side, Archbishop Cahill, who represents the Eternal Church and is one of the three church electors of the Empire's seven general election emperors, changed his look and rose from the church seat and scolded.
  And next to him, Archbishop Doron, the last church elector besides Archbishop Winster, stood up and looked at the Duke of Corens with a gloomy eyes.
  "Aren't I right ? This jihad was the cause of the church.
  The Duke of Korens snorted coldly.
  In the aristocrat seat, in addition to the former maple moon collar family, the four secular electors of the third of the Rosen family representatives, the Corens family representatives, the Berencia family representatives, one after another stood up to express support for the Duke of Corens.
  For a moment, the aristocratic council, which was discussing the heir to the throne, became more chaotic and disorderly.
  Bishop Winster sat in the regent's seat.
  His eyes were disappointed at the red-faced squabbling, even swearing and beating the nobles and bishops.
  He sighed and stopped drinking, but stood up gently and left the chaotic venue.

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