Chapter 894 Is this a rebellion ? !

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Time goes back to ten minutes ago.
  As angry people surrounded the rebels and began to siege the Doloria Castle prison, closed-eyed prisoners in the dark and damp dungeon opened their eyes.
  Listening to the faint sound of gunfire and shouts, watching the dust falling overhead with the occasional tremor, they looked at each other and saw some surprise from each other's eyes.
  Soon, with the creaking sound, the dungeon door was slowly opened, and the dungeon guard appeared in the sight of the prisoners.
  He looked rushed, his eyes bright, and a hint of excitement.
  "Insurrection ! Guys ! Our companions revolted inside and outside the city ! The gates have been taken ! The 7th Corps and the Mercenary Regiment are outside besieging Doloria.
  "Partners ! Our time is up, it's time to leave this dark place, it's time to go to the light!
  The dungeon guard looked excited.
  As the most prestigious presence of the entire dungeon prisoner, Wolf Claw Charles rose from the ground and asked incredulously :
  "I thought the message said it would take two days ? Why is it starting today?"
  "I don't know ! Maybe something happened ! But it's already started ! Now it's full of people out there ! Our people ! The siege of Doloria has begun ! All right ! Get ready, everyone. I'll open the dungeon for everyone now! "
  said the dungeon chief excitedly.
  Hearing his words, the prisoners' eyes lighted and stood up one by one involuntarily.
  They're ready to try.
  Then, the chief guard took the key and opened the door one by one.
  As he unlocked the lock, he said :
  "Quick ! Now the guards above are concentrated on the tower, and the legendary mage, Lord Daniel, is manipulating the magic, and he can't spare his hands. The castle is empty!
  "I've taken advantage of the mess to open the key to the chain of forbidden demons, and this will open the chain of forbidden demons for everyone!"
  The chief guard rushed in with the guards, opened the cells one by one, and took off the prisoners' forbidden demons, which had been imprisoned for no time.
  Feeling the re-emergence of power inside, the prisoners were shaken.
  There are more than a thousand prisoners in the dungeon, almost each of which has no weak extraordinary power, most of which are silver and more than a third of the golden rank.
  However, the most powerful of these are the golden peaks, including Wolf Claw Charles.
  It's not a real legend, but at their level, the average golden professional is no longer in the eyes.
  One by one, the chief guard and the guards released the prisoners, and the released prisoners, joined them, began to assist in the release of more prisoners.
  In less than fifteen minutes, all the prisoners in the dungeon were free.
  They looked excited and excited to be free again.
  However, as the leader of the entire dungeon prisoners, "Wolf Claw" Charles is calm.
  " sir guard, is daniel the only legend left in the castle?"
  He asked in a deep voice.
  "Yes, Mr. Charles, the other two church legends have left Mannia with the Pope, and Lord Daniel... ...aah, Daniel is manipulating the [Doloria Barrier] and cannot be distracted!"
  said the chief guard.
  As soon as this was said, the prisoners' eyes lit up slightly.
  The garrison of Doloria Castle is extremely powerful.
  But for the prisoners in the dungeon, it's not impossible to fight.
  The premise is, not counting the three legends resident in the castle.
  An archbishop of the Eternal Church, a judgment knight of the Judiciary, and a legendary mage loyal to the Royal Family.
  These three legends are the most powerful forces to suppress the whole prison.
  And now, with two church legends gone, the only legendary mage left is manipulating the magic, so to speak...'s almost the right time and place for the prisoners.
  "Partners ! It's time to get out of this cold, damp place ! Rush to the castle, destroy the defensive magic, open the gates of the castle, and greet our comrades!"
  "Wolf Claw" Charles drinks.
  " open the door and welcome our comrades in arms!"
  The other prisoners shouted excitedly.
  After words, led by the dungeon guards, they kicked open the dungeon gate and rushed out ... ...
  No one expected the sudden outburst of the dungeon prisoners.
  In the Doloria Castle prison, the dungeon is like a forgotten place, and no one wants to go anywhere.
  That's why the soldiers in the castle looked wonderful when they saw the prisoners who suddenly rushed out of the dungeon.
  Fear, confusion, confusion... ...all kinds of complex emotions converged on their faces.
  They don't know how these guys in the dungeon got out, how they got together.
  And the anger of the years of detention erupted in the hearts of the dungeon prisoners, who, like lions released from their cages, began to wreak havoc throughout the castle.
  The melee, it started almost instantly.
  Hate, hostility, dissatisfaction, anger... all kinds of emotions burned in the hearts of the prisoners, turned into infinite momentum, let them at this moment burst into unprecedented combat effectiveness.
  The castle soldiers, who had not yet recovered from the panic of the siege, were instantly confused.
  If you look at the entire Doloria Castle, you can see that the castle's defenders were almost on the verge of collapse after the prisoners of the dungeon joined the battle.
  Bad news after bad news came from all over the castle, almost on the front foot, soldiers reporting that the rioting prisoners had breached an area, and soldiers on the back foot reporting in horror that they had breached the next.
  As the warden of the entire Doloria prison, Eichendorf was almost able to fill in the soldiers' reports of prisoners crashing through the castle and rushing to the upper towers.
  It is worth mentioning that the eight towers are the core of the Doloria Castle Prison, the nodes of defense magic, the suspension bridge devices that control the gates, all in the towers.
  However, the nodes and drawbridge devices are also within the protection of the [Doloria Barrier].
  Of course, the core control room that controls the entire defense magic is inside the castle.
  There, there's the legendary mage Daniel stationed.
  Listening to one bad news after another, warden Eichendorf's expression grew ugly.
  Defensive nodes and drawbridges are protected by defensive magic, but they don't.
  If the prisoners hit the tower, they're in trouble ... ...
  He gritted his teeth, raised his commanding sword, and commanded the soldiers :
  "Quick ! Close the gate to the bottom of the castle, so they can't hit the tower!"
  "Notify Lord Daniel, tell him that the prisoners are rioting, and tell him to close the doors of the control room and watch out for the prisoners' sneak attack!"
  With the warden's order, the castle's defenders moved in a flash.
  They split up most of their strength and began to close the castle's passages to the tower and fight the prisoners who had already begun to invade the castle's upper floors.
  For a moment, the scuffle broke out inside Doloria Castle.
  And deep in the castle, in front of the core control room that controls the entire Dolorian defense magic.
  Holding a broken blade of blood "wolf claw" Charles eyes a congealed, an angry sound, split the door in front of him.
  Stones scattered, the door opened, is a beautiful magic lamp dot the hall.
  And in the middle of the temple, in a huge complex magic array, a gray-haired, snow-white robe of the old man, is sitting in the middle of the array.
  In front of him, the magic is transforming into images, from the melee in the Doloria Castle to the rebels attacking the towers in the city of Mania ... ...
  Hearing the door, the old man raised his head slightly, facing Charles.
  Charles's eyes were an old face and a pair of murky eyes.
  " you're here, charles..."
  The old man spoke softly, hoarse and vicissitudes of life, but at the same time, there was a detached calm.

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