Chapter 879 Information

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    Two months after the Eternal Church launched jihad.

    Holy Mania Empire, about 20 kilometers north of Maple Moon Free Territory.

    Joseph von Rosen, the new Duke of Rosen, one of the Empire's seven-year-olds, stood on his dragon-scaled warhorse and looked south with elf binoculars.

    Behind him was an endless army of blackness, with flags painted with various ethnic emblems flying in the wind.

    This was a coalition formed by the imperial aristocrats and one of the main forces formed by the imperial side after the Eternal Church began the Great Holy War.

    As the jihad began, the imperial aristocrats emerged one after another, and more and more troops participated in the war.

    Today, even excluding the Legions of Judges and Angels of the Eternal Church, the entire empire has mobilized more than four million troops, almost four times as many as the troops of the Iris Kingdom of the South ... ...

    That's a rather exaggerated number.

    You know, even when the empire was first built a thousand years ago, it was not successful in mobilizing such a large army.

    And more than a year ago, when the world of Segways was invaded by demons, no army of this size was mobilized.

    But now, in order to defeat the Church of Life and to seize the fertile land, the imperial aristocrats have erupted with unprecedented enthusiasm.

    The aristocrats, only when it's really about their own interests, only when there's great benefit... ...will go all out.

    In a sense, it's a sad and ironic thing.

    Of course, four million troops were too large and all made up of aristocrats, large and small, and the degree of cohesion and organization was not high, and the logistical pressure was extremely terrible, so the empire did not bring the whole army together, but divided it into three parts.

    A part of the army set out from the western Empire, called the Northern Legion, led by the new Duke of Rosen, and attacked the Maple Moon Free Collar from the north.

    Some of the troops set out from the eastern part of the empire, called the Eastern Legion, led by the Duke of Berencia, and the Northern Legion joined forces to form a two-sided trend, from the east side to attack the Maple Moon Free Collar.

    The last part of the army set out from the hinterland of the Empire, called the Confederate Legion, led by the Duke of Corens, and attacked the Confederate.

    And the kingdom of Iris in the south is said to attack the Death Desert.

    Oh, no.

    Now it may not be accurate to say that the death desert is no longer accurate.

    Since the elves occupied the death desert, they began to use natural magic and life magic to build oasis in the desert, to this day, the death desert has appeared a lot of green.

    The aristocrats of the kingdom of Iris were willing to attack the desert of death because of the appeal of these oases.

    The three regiments of the Empire, and the regiments of the Kingdom of Iris, each of which had more than a million troops.

    Of course, this is only theoretical numbers, and given the ability of the aristocrats to mobilize, most of the aristocrats are constantly coming, and the number of legions gathered at first may be half or less.

    For example, the Imperial Northern Corps, which is now on the border of Maple Moon's free territory, has about 700,000 troops, and the remaining aristocrats are still coming.

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