Chapter 889 Resistance Army (continued

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"Castle of Doloria prison ? Lord Cyber, why are we attacking there?"
  In the secret room of the Mercenary Guild in Mania, the leaders of several large mercenary regiments gathered here, looking respectfully and doubtfully at the elves before them.
  "Because there are the most rebels in the whole Holy Mania Empire, and most of them are powerful professionals, and their addition will greatly strengthen our strength."
  Mercenary regiment commander opposite, know the human kingdom of all kinds of changes, the same first time secretly sneak into Mania player cyber solemnly said.
  "Lord Cyber, it's different ? Many of the people held in the Doloria castle are dangerous elements, although there are also our life believers, but more are the most vicious criminals and ambitions, can they really identify with us?"
  The head of the mercenary regiment asked worriedly.
  "Not to mention, the Empire had a powerful Guard regiment stationed in Mania, the 7th Guard regiment was more than 30,000 men, and the Eternal Church did not know how many powerful men..."
  Other leaders also said with concern.
  "Don't worry about this. A spark can start a prairie fire. Ever since His Excellency St. John was put in Doloria Castle, the hope of life has been lit in that dark castle. Now all we need to do is help those who are locked up in prison to escape." With us to overthrow this decadent country!"
  Cyber explained solemnly.
  "As for the 7th Guard Regiment of the Empire..."
  With that, Cyber paused, and looked meaningfully at the mercenary commanders here :
  "It should be the royals and nobles who need to worry about them."
  After listening to his words, the commanders of the mercenary regiment moved and thought.
  And Cyber continued :
  "The trouble is the Eternal Church, but we've also got some inside information about this and in three days we'll have a rare opportunity..."
  " a rare opportunity?"
  In an underpass in the civilian area, the assembled devotees of life look curiously at the hooded men.
  "Yes, in order to win the war, Pope Benedict II decided to go south himself, and he was accompanied by a number of high-ranking bishops and judgment knights, just three days later."
  The sound of the sound is sinking.
  As she said, her expression grew solemn :
  "In three days, most of the Eternal Church will leave Mania, and then it is when the Church is at its most empty and when we stand up against it!"
  "Everyone, we have formed a powerful force, and if we take advantage of the empty space of the Church to break through the Doloria Castle prison as soon as possible, we can free the high-ranking extraordinary inside, and with them, we will have greater strength," he said. A force enough to overwhelm the royal family, the nobles and the Eternal Church of Mania and change the world!"
  His words are full of passion.
  And in front of her, from the bottom of the society of the poor, businessmen, craftsmen and other life believers also enthusiastic.
  "Dried ! For a better future, for an equal world!"
  "Topple the empire ! To overthrow the nobles ! To overthrow the Eternal Church!"
  "Long live life ! Long live equality ! Long live the great goddess!
  They shouted excitedly.
  "But how can we tell each other ? when there are so many companions in the uprising ? Wouldn't there be mercenary soldiers, people, and perhaps imperial soldiers who rebelled, if they couldn't identify each other, be in chaos?"
  Someone suddenly asked.
  For a moment, all the believers cast their eyes on the solution.
  "Of course there's a way to identify, and we've already thought about that."
  Demasia smiled at Bowen's bewildered gaze.
  As he said, he pulled out a golden armband from his arms.
  " armband?"
  Bowen was slightly stunned.
  "Yes, it's an armband dyed with the juice of Mania's gold and silver fruit, which is cheap and suitable for short-term dyeing. Gold is also the symbol of the power of life under the goddess' crown, and the purpose of everyone's resistance is to create an equal world, all beings are equal, long live life, and it's perfect to use here."
  Demasia said.
  Captain Bowen's heart moved :
  "So... ...all of us need to wear this golden armband?"
  Demasia nodded :
  "Yes, the one who wears this armband is one of our own."
  The middle-aged priest's eyes shine :
  "That's a good idea ! Gold and silver fruit can be afforded even by the poor, and although it is easy to wash off after dyeing, it is enough for just one battle!"
  " precisely so."
  Demasia bowed her head slightly and smiled.
  And then, he looked austere :
  "Sir Bowen, in six days, Benedict II should be far from Mania, and that's when we came forward, and in order to take control of the city defenses and break Doloria in the first place, we needed our Guards to take the lead."
  Bowen listened, looked solemn and sacred, and nodded :
  "I see, Lord Demasia, we will take control of the barracks and the city defenses in time, open the gates for the friendly forces of the mercenary regiment, and then we will break Doloria together as soon as possible!"
  Demasia nodded with satisfaction. He took a pot of elf wine from the storage ring, filled three pre-prepared glasses on the stone table in the garden courtyard, and delivered them to the middle-aged priest and Captain Bowen.
  "Everyone, success or failure in this one fell swoop, for equality, for the future, let's fight together!"
  He raised his glass and drank it all. " for equality, for the future!"
  The middle-aged priest and Captain Bowen shouted excitedly, and drank the elf wine as well.
  Bowen spent about an hour in the garden before leaving.
  Demasia also bid farewell to the middle-aged priests and returned to the underground stronghold of the Amway Chamber of Commerce in Mannia, as well as the players' underground stronghold in Mannia.
  In addition to Demasia, there are players such as Cyber, King, and Caesar, the vast majority of whom are well-known priest players in Elfland.
  "Dema, we've done what you said this time. How sure are you?"
  She took off her hood and asked.
  "I can't say it's a success, but at least... ...I think there's a lot of hope."
  Demasia said.
  "It would bring down the empire of Mania ? You know, behind the empire is the Eternal Church, and we have not officially fought the Eternal Church's Judgment. "
  He couldn't help but ask.

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