Chapter 854 Cyber's Mission

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  A figure like John Sr. is not uncommon throughout the empire.

  And among them, there are some tall figures.

  In a large city with a population of more than 200,000 in the western part of the Holy Mania Empire.

  At the northern end of the city, in a dilapidated and dirty city.

  Low buildings are full of age, privately built dangerous buildings can be seen everywhere, potholed roads are in disrepair, dirty puddles, and the garbage discarded in the corners is almost piled up into mountains.

  The air was filled with a rotten sour smell of flies and insects, but the residents who lived here had long been used to it.

  They were shabby, yellow and thin... either curled up in a corner or sat in a half-open building, busy doing simple work such as straw weaving.

  It's a world that seems to have been forgotten.

  Only the occasional silver bell-like laughter brought a little color to the world.

  It was some young children, they were thin, but the eyes were still pure and bright, and they were jumping around by the stinky ditch, frolicing and playing, although wearing rags, but happy like a little angel.

  This is the ghetto.

  And slums like this are almost everywhere in the cities of the Holy Mania Empire.

  Most of the people who live here are bankrupt farmers, craftsmen, disabled professionals, low-level mercenaries and so on.

  They are forgotten beings in the world.

  No one knows how the first ghettos were formed.

  However, in the various historical records of the empire, since the imperial center began to canonize the aristocrats and expand the city, this dilapidated urban area has increased.

  Some have evolved in the old town of poorly repaired and aging public facilities; Some, after the aristocrats encroached on the land, lost the fields on which to survive, forced to come to the cities to seek a livelihood gradually gathered.

  The aristocrats hated these areas and never set foot here, and the rich in the inner city feared the security and rarely came here ... ...

  Suddenly, a hooded figure appeared on the streets of the area.

  And see this figure, the children playing a bright eye, instantly surrounded the past, even the corner of the poor eyes also a little more color.

  "Lord Cyber ! You're here!"

  The children shouted excitedly.

  Hearing their cheers, the hooded figure stopped slightly.

  He loosened his hat and showed a handsome face half smiling.

  " lord cyber...'s lord cyber!"

  "Lord Cyber is so beautiful!"

  The children's eyes glowed.

  Cyber, on the other hand, waved gently to everyone.

  Gradually, as if a stone had been thrown into the calm lake, the whole dead ghetto came to life.

  More and more poor people gathered, and their eyes were a little more bright, like light in the dark.

  The fastest runners are the children.

  They soon gathered in front of Cyber, with excitement and anticipation in their eyes :

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