Chapter 858 Undercurrents, Sparks

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  In this way, Frank followed John Sr. to learn the teachings of the Church of Life.

  Unknowingly, time passed another half month.

  It's different from the previous canon.

  This time, with the rich and colorful teaching materials provided by John Sr. and the careful teachings of this god-affiliated man,

  Frank has a deeper understanding of the teachings of the Church of Life.

  All living beings are equal, united and win-win.

  What the Church of Life seeks is a world where there is no oppression, one mind, the extraordinary and ordinary people do their own jobs, regardless of the superiors and inferiors, mutual help and common progress ... ...

  In the depiction, it is a truly harmonious world.

  No aristocracy, no war, no privilege.

  Although the extraordinary will still be respected, but also restrained to a certain extent, no one will be reduced to the persecutor of strength.

  It was a world of hope and light for anyone.

  And as he studied the teachings of the Church of Life and followed John Sr. to practice preaching and awakening education, Frank gradually understood that stimulating the people's motivation was a necessary primer and a necessary opportunity.

  And under this opportunity, the concept of "equality" is the cornerstone of changing everything.

  Because of equality, extraordinary forces must enter the people, no longer a tool for rulers to maintain rule, but a helper for improving people's well-being.

  Because of equality, knowledge should not be imprisoned, the wisdom of the people needs enlightenment, everyone who wants to make progress, can change their destiny through learning.

  Every life can be respected, and every life can realize its own value.

  This is the core of the teachings of life and the strongest weapon to change this dark age.

  At this moment, Frank realized.

  This world belongs not to one person, nor to a group of people, but to everyone.

  Only by representing the interests of the broadest masses of the poor, by uniting the poor, the common people, the merchants and the aristocrats awakened in the sense of equality, can we overcome the decadent empire, overcome the fallen Eternal Church, and move towards the new world ... ...

  Only by liberating the whole world and liberating the extraordinary forces can we completely liberate the productive forces and let everyone live a happy life.

  The Eternal Church represents the past, represents the interests of the aristocrats, and its mission has been fulfilled and must be swept into the garbage of history.

  This kind of blasphemy, treachery, if put in the past, Frank would not have thought of it.

  But after studying the theories of the Church of Life, he thought so.

  Unknowingly, his position has undergone earth-shaking changes, and his heart of faith and fighting spirit, also more and more high ... ...

  "I finally understand that only by believing in the goddess of life, liberating ordinary people, pulling the extraordinary power of high above into the world, benefiting everyone, can we achieve equality of all living beings, can we usher in a beautiful new world!"

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