Chapter 2: Tentative

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Wanda came to several hours later, she glanced towards the window and noticed it was dark out. She looked over and saw Clint snoring lightly in the chair next to her. She searched around the room for some kind of time piece to get an idea of what it was. She finally noticed Clint was wearing a watch it flashed 10:19pm.

Wanda reached up to her face and pulled the nasal cannula off her, she felt a strange relief at it being removed. She next turned to her left arm and pulled out the other cannula. Wanda took a deep breath and sat up, she looked around her bed and noticed the sides were up, she quietly tried to remove them. When she realised it was going to be too noisy, she clambered over the edge, gently placing her two feet on the ground. She grabbed the metal edge to steady herself, taking a deep breath. Wanda tiptoed towards the door, she placed her hand gingerly onto the door lock, waiting for it to open for. Friday’s voice responded, “Access denied.”

Wanda in confusion stared at the door panel, “Friday, it’s Wanda, I have clearance.” She whispered, glancing back at the sleeping Clint.

“Baby witch protocol is in effect,” responded the A.I.

“What is baby witch protocol??” asked Wanda in shock and slight annoyance at the name.

“You lack the clearance,” came the short reply. Wanda grunted in slight frustration before making her right hand glow, she waved her hand over the door, and watched it slowly open against the lock. Unfortunately for Wanda the screeching of the door woke up the sleeping Clint.

“Wanda? What are you doing up?” he questioned wiping the sleep from his eyes.

Wanda glared back at the man, “I’m going to my room.” she looked back at the door and continued pushing the door open. Wanda got it open enough for her to slip through just as Clint stood up, though the hapless girl just walked straight into Natasha who was returning to the room.

“Wanda, get back in bed,” she ordered sharply, pushing the girl gently back into the room, before turning her attention to Clint.

“I gave you one job Barton, watch Wanda for one hour! You couldn’t even manage that?”

Clint rubbed the back of his head in shame, “Sorry Nat I must have nodded off.”

“Obviously,” she bit back. Wanda stood frozen in the room, as the two other avengers bickered. Nat turned her attention back to the young girl, “Wanda I told you to get back into bed.”

Wanda snapped out of her stupor, and the order rankled her. “Actually Natasha I am going to go lay down in my own room. Though thank you for the unwarranted concern.”

Natasha just walked over to her in response, she picked the girl up in her arms, one arm under her knees the other around her shoulder, Wanda looked shocked at her easily the woman carried her. “Nat! put me down…”

Natasha didn’t respond to her with words she just deposited her gently into the bed, she simply reattached the Cannulas, and then tucked the duvet around the teenager.

“Nat!” yelled Wanda in frustration.

Natasha just cocked an angry eyebrow at her, “you are staying here tonight Wanda, end of discussion.”

“Not end of discussion!” whinged Wanda back tiredly. Natasha looked at the exhausted girl laying in the bed, before sighing and making an executive decision. She knew Wanda needed a parent, she just wasn’t sure she was up for the job. Natasha was the black widow cold, unfeeling, fearless. She lifted the duvet and climbed into the bed with her, carefully manoeuvring around the cannulas. She laid down next to the young witch, and wrapped her arms around her body pulling her towards her.

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