Chapter 27: Breakthrough

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Wanda was enjoying her lunch breaks off campus with Vision. Every day they were going somewhere new. She loved sitting in London cafe’s the best, people watching while sipping a cappuccino. It made her feel like an adult, especially sat opposite Vision who was parading around in his human form.

She picked up the large cup and brought it to her lips, she noticed Vision was just staring at her. “What are you looking at?”

“You,” he answered with a smile on his face. Wanda smirked back and then looked at her watch. “Viz, I better get back.”

“5 more minutes,” begged Vision slightly. Wanda smiled back at him, “Ok, just 5 more.”

Wanda snuck back in through the hole in the fence that her friends showed her on her first day. Peter was stood by the fence holding out her backpack for her to grab.

“Cutting it close Wanda,” moaned Peter.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” replied Wanda with a roll of her eyes.

“I don’t like this Wanda. Aunty Nat would have an aneurysm, “ stated Peter simply.

“Well it’s good thing she doesn’t know then,” replied Wanda sharply before she softened her tone, “I’m being careful Peter, I promise. You owe me after last time you told on me.”

Peter shrugged uncomfortably, he hated the fact he felt guilty for telling on her previously.

“Fine, but If you get caught I knew nothing,” stated Peter.

“Sounds fair,” said Wanda in reply.

“You sorted this party yet with Uncle Steve?”

“Don’t worry I got this,” said Wanda. “I’ve been planting the seeds.” She wiggled her fingers suggestively. Peter’s eyebrow’s shot up, “you have been using your powers,” he choked out in whispered shock.

“Not fully,” justified Wanda, “Just a little poke here or there.”

“If they find out Wanda……” Peter let the sentence trail off.

“See that’s the key word there Peter… If…” explained Wanda with an all knowing smirk. Being with Vision was giving her so much self-confidence, potentially too much. The two teenagers eventually heading back towards the building and their afternoon lessons.


Wanda sat cross legged on her bed with Natasha facing her. She watched as Natasha carefully painted her fingernails red. Natasha had been serious about spending more quality time with her. Every night they had been doing something different. Wanda was enjoying the company as it felt more equal.

“I have this weird assignment in English,” she stated.

“Yeah,” replied Natasha, not looking up from her task, as she dipped the brush back into the bottle and then wiped the excess away on the side of the bottle.

“Yeah, I have to write an essay on Man’s greatest invention,” explained Wanda.

“So what are you going to write about?” asked Natasha.

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