Chapter 14: Recovery

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Wanda tentatively walked into the kitchen, not that she had much of a choice. Natasha’s hand was firmly in the small of her back guiding her to their destination. She gingerly took her seat grateful that no-one had said anything to her apart from “good morning.”

Wanda glanced around the table her eyes hesitating on Tony, the usual discomfort she felt at seeing him had abated. She could not understand it. She hated him. He was everything she hated about capitalism and America. He was ignorant, shallow, materialistic, but he was her family. Tony Stark loved her, supported her, gave her a place to stay. She could sense his nervousness around her. Wanda could also sense his disappointment that she was now a teenager again. She shyly looked down at her plate unable to look at him as the next words left her mouth, “Uncle Tony can you pass the toast please.”
Tony’s eyes lit up in happiness, “of course.” Wanda lifted her own head up, in order to collect the offered plate. Natasha just smiled happily enjoying the stunned reaction of everyone else at the table. Wanda decided to interrupt the awkward silence, “So are we training today? I feel like I haven’t trained in weeks.”

Natasha shook her head, “not today, maybe tomorrow, you have only just turned back.”

Tony spoke up, “Why don’t you come work in the lab with me? You can help me test some of the new prototypes? I also need to introduce you to some music. I have a feeling you are going to love it.”

The others all smiled at the last bit, memories of Wanda dancing infiltrating their minds. Wanda oblivious just nodded, “I think I would like that.”


“So who is this band?” questioned Wanda. As the loud music played throughout the lab.

“This is The Cure,” Tony answered happily. He continued to tinker away at the iron man gloves he was currently working on. He reached his palm out and Wanda passed him a different sized screwdriver.

“I like them,” answered Wanda. She was tapping her foot lightly to the beat. Tony smiled at the action.

“You know they are still touring? I would be happy to take you.”

Wanda smiled, “you would do that.”

“Of course, you are my niece it’s my job to spoil you, and occasionally let you break the rules,” he whispered the last bit. Wanda laughed at him, “Like you would ever go against Mama, you are terrified of her.”

Tony winked at her conspiratorially, “only if she finds out.”

Wanda looked thoughtful as the song continued to play over the speaker, “Boys don’t cry, is that true.”

Tony turned to look at her, “They do that’s the point of the song.”

Wanda considered his words, “So it’s not weak to cry?”

Tony shook his head, “it makes you strong sometimes. You don’t want to be emotionally stunted like me. It’s taken me a long time to show my feelings. You are always better for it.”

Wanda looked over at the wistful expression on Tony’s face, “you look like you are reminiscing?”

Tony nodded, “Yeah this song reminds me of my college days, listening to music, snorting a lot of coke.”

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