Chapter 23: Maturity Matters

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Wanda slowly walked down the stairs, feeling like someone on the way to their execution. She entered the kitchen and saw Natasha sat at the kitchen table with her arms firmly crossed across her chest. Wanda looked at the stern woman before dropping her eyes to the floor.

“I’m sorry Mama,” whispered Wanda, she pushed her toe into the floor, making it circle as a means of distracting herself.

“Come here Wanda,” stated Natasha. She pushed the chair out further away from the table, and beckoned the teenager closer. As soon as she was within reach the older woman pulled the girl down and sat her in her lap.

“Mama, I’m not a little girl,” moaned Wanda, but she still accepted the affection. Natasha chose not to respond to that.

“What are you sorry about?”

Wanda groaned, why did Natasha read all those parenting books. “I’m sorry I was rude and disrespectful to you.”

Natasha raised an eyebrow at her, “And…”

“I’m sorry I’m smoked when you told me I wasn’t allowed too,” muttered Wanda, “but I think that’s a silly rule.”

Natasha decided again not to respond to her outburst knowing it would just rile them both up. “Ok, so you understand there are consequences?”

Wanda nodded from her place on the older woman’s lap. Natasha rubbed the teenager’s back, “You are grounded Little one, and you are going to write some lines for us. I think writing 100 times, I will not be rude or disrespectful should help remind you.”

Steve was bustling around the kitchen, heating up some milk, he mixed in the cocoa powder and started whisking the solution. He poured it gently into a mug and then set it on the table in front of Wanda.

“I still get Hot cocoa?” questioned Wanda innocently.

“Of course you do, “ replied Natasha with a smirk, placing a kiss to her head. “We aren’t dictators.”

Wanda smiled, but got up out of Natasha’s lap, she moved casually into the seat next to her. Steve went and retrieved some paper and a pen from the kitchen drawer, and placed it in front of her.

Steve also placed a kiss to the crown of her head, “We will leave you to get started. Have you got any homework?”

Wanda shook her head. “No, not yet. I have a homework diary though that has to be signed every week by a parent.”

Steve nodded, “Ok sweetheart, Your Mama and I will be in the living room. We will check on you in 20 minutes.”

Natasha stood up, “each line needs to be neat and tidy Wanda or it won’t count.”

“I understand,” replied Wanda earnestly.


Natasha shut the living room door behind them, “Did you notice anything suspicious on your run?”

Steve shook his head, “No, we seem clear, though I set the cameras as you requested. we have full CCTV of the whole block and the main route to the school.”

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