Chapter 21: The Transition

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Wanda woke up still tightly encased by the older woman. She wriggled slightly the movement allowing her to slowly inch herself away from the black widow. Wanda gently disentangled herself from Natasha, and sat up in the bed. She smiled warmly at the woman, a smug smirk on her face as she saw that the famed black widow had drooled slightly onto the pillow. Not many people got to see Natasha Romanoff with her guard down. She was one of those selected few the guarded woman allowed. Wanda placed a gentle kiss onto the older woman’s forehead enjoying the rare role reversal. She carefully tip-toed out of the room, deciding it was best to let the retired spy sleep.

Wanda wasn’t completely settled in Wakanda, it wasn’t home. That’s not to say they had not been made to feel welcome. She couldn’t really put her finger on it. Wanda knew on a level she missed the compound and more importantly missed the people. She just wasn’t ready to admit that she missed Tony, self-righteous hate was much more palatable to her at this given moment. Wanda slowly headed towards the kitchen hopeful she would find some freshly brewed coffee in there. The advantage of Natasha being asleep was that she would actually get to drink most of it rather than playing their usual game. Natasha always stole her morning coffee; she always took issue to the amount of coffee Wanda drank. This was something Wanda always found rather irksome though she enjoyed the banter.

Wanda wasn’t surprised to see Steve already sat in the kitchen sipping at his own caffeinated beverage.

“Morning,” stated Steve.

“morning,” parroted Wanda back, “Sorry I stole your girlfriend last night.”

Steve chortled, “if anything she stole you.”

Wanda smiled at that. Steve spoke up again, “Is she still asleep?”

Wanda nodded, “out and drooling on the pillow.”

“She doesn’t believe that she drools, so don’t mention it to her. I can’t be bothered with the discussion.”

Wanda snorted in laughter at that. Steve stood up and started making a cup of coffee for the teenager and an extra cup for Natasha.

“I’ll go wake up the terrifying spider with a coffee.”

Wanda joke saluted the ex-solider, “Good luck and god speed.”


Natasha stretched out but awoke with a start when she sensed the empty bed.

Steve quickly intervened from the doorway, “she’s fine Natasha, she is in the kitchen getting breakfast and then she is going to see Shuri in the lab.”

She sighed in relief, and allowed her body to slump back into the bed. Steve slowly walked towards her and lowered the hot coffee onto the bedside table, before sitting on the bed next to her.

“Honestly Nat you are going to drive yourself crazy if you don’t relax a bit.”

Natasha looked at him sadly, “last time I dropped the ball she ended up on the raft….”

Steve wrapped a strong arm around her body, “We won’t let that happen again.”

“It’s bad enough we let it happen once,” responded Natasha in guilt.

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