Chapter 19: Mending Bridges

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Wanda ran up to Steve and wrapped her arms around his neck tightly. He lifted her slightly off the ground in response. Steve inhaled deeply.

“I’ve missed you,” said Wanda softly.

“Not as much as I’ve missed you,” replied Steve. “I’m so sorry Wanda, I didn’t mean to put you in this position.”

Wanda nodded in understanding, but just gripped the man tighter. She understood that she may have to fight her uncle, and mother. Clint had explained as much on the drive to Berlin. She couldn’t believe how fractured they all were. Steve moved aside, and gestured towards the man standing awkwardly off to the side, “This is Bucky.”

Wanda snorted, “what sort of name is Bucky?”

Bucky raised his eyebrows at her, “Oh she is definitely Natasha’s Kid.”

“You know her?” asked Wanda curiously.

“I trained her,” explained Bucky before adding sheepishly, “and shot her.”

Wanda narrowed her eyes at the man, “the scar on her stomach?”

Bucky awkwardly stroked his temple, “yeah…”

Wanda turned abruptly to Steve, “And you defend him!”

“It’s complicated Wanda, it was Bucky but wasn’t Bucky…” Steve struggled to explain it to the young witch. After a few more attempts Wanda finally understood, and her face no longer resembled thunder, as annoyed as she was with Natasha she still felt protective.

Wanda cocked her head slightly at Bucky, “So this is your brother?”

She questioned Steve who looked slightly confused by the phrasing.
“Yes he is my brother,” stated Steve, aware that blood is not a necessity for family. Bucky smiled at the confidence in which Steve spoke, he found it incredibly reassuring.

Steve glanced back at Wanda, unsure of where she was going with this. The teenager looked thoughtful, “guess that makes you my uncle. I’m not calling you Uncle Bucky though, sounds like a bad country western movie. You will have to cope with Uncle James.”

Steve enjoyed the dumbstruck expression on Bucky’s face.

“Come on, we have a chopper to catch,” cut in Clint.


“Wow, It’s so weird how you run into people at the airport. Don’t you think that’s weird?” Joked Tony as he descended in his suit onto the tarmac in front of the rogue avengers.

“Hear me out Tony…”

Natasha glanced in horror when she saw Wanda standing among them. “Wanda! Get over here now.”

Wanda shook her head, “I have chosen my side. I love you, but you are wrong. The accords are wrong. You just fear taking responsibility.” She grabbed Clint’s hand tightly with her own. The last statement had been clearly directed to Tony.

Natasha looked at her dumbstruck and hurt, she turned angrily to Clint and Steve, “you are supposed to protect her what are you thinking dragging her into this!”

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