Chapter 38: Paparazzo

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Wanda rushed off into the room before angrily throwing herself onto the bed. She ripped her pumps off her feet and flung them maliciously into the wall.

“Wanda,” stated Natasha firmly with a look of disappointment.

“What?!” replied Wanda incandescent with rage, “How can you be so calm? That guy is a c**t.”

Steve visibly cringed at the word, and Natasha just shook her head.

“Wanda I won’t warn you again, take a deep breath and calm down. You know he is just trying to get under your skin, don’t give him that power.”

“Of course he has that power,” yelled Wanda in frustration, “If he clicks his fingers I’m back on the godforsaken raft with a collar on like a dog.”

Natasha grabbed Wanda’s arm and pulled her into her body, “that will never happen Wanda. It would be over my dead body. You hear me?”

Wanda rested her head on Natasha’s shoulder, her face resting into the crook of her neck. She rubbed her back reassuringly. Wanda took some deep breaths against Natasha’s neck, the smell of her perfume acting as a sedative. She pulled away reluctantly.

Steve walked over and placed a hand tentatively on her back, “Don’t let him affect you. You are stronger than that. You know you are.”

“You say that,” whimpered Wanda slightly, “But he’s the one laughing in his ivory tower, and I’m the little girl in a dress crying on her parents.”

Natasha just smiled at her, “now you are just being silly, why don’t we go get some food? I’ve heard there is this great Bulgarian place around the corner.”

Wanda nodded with a weak smile, “Sounds good, but can I get changed out of this ridiculous dress first?”

Steve looked at her, “how about we compromise you wear the dress with your Doc Marten Boots?”

Wanda smirked at him, “deal.” She bounced into him playfully, and Steve wrapped his arm around her shoulder keeping her close to him. While Natasha placed kisses to her face playfully. “Mama, stop that,” she giggled in faux annoyance.

A knock on the door caused the playful banter to halt. Wanda stood straight up and glared at the direction of the noise. Tony stood awkwardly in the door, “I heard a Bulgarian may be on the cards fancy a fourth wheel?”

Wanda’s face hardened in response to the question though before she could speak Steve interrupted, “of course Tony we would love the company.”

Tony looked over at sadly at the teenager, “it’s ok I wouldn’t want to impose.” Natasha frowned at the demure tone coming from the usually confident arrogant billionaire. “We insist Stark, why don’t we see if Pepper and Peter want to come too? Make it into a big family outing.” She made sure to emphasis the world family in the statement gripping Wanda’s arm slightly tighter as further confirmation of the fact.

Wanda just rolled her eyes in response. Natasha just turned to Steve, “why don’t you go bring the car around and rally the troops with Tony? Wanda and I will follow.”

Once the room was empty, Natasha turned to Wanda in annoyance, “this passive aggressive bullshit you have going on with Tony stops now.”

Can't Ask, Don't Need, Won't Acknowledge  Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora