Chapter 31: Protecting a Minor

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“So is it just robot’s that turn you on? Or should I make sure you are not left alone with the fridge?”

Wanda playfully slapped Peter on the arm as they walked towards the cafeteria. “Shut it Parker.”

“I just don’t get it,” replied Peter, “what’s the appeal of him?”

“He doesn’t treat me like I’m damaged,” stated Wanda. “I’m just normal.”

“I don’t treat you like you are damaged,” said Peter in a confused tone.

“You are sweet Peter but you aren’t my type,” replied Wanda matter of factly.

“Gross, Wanda. You are like my sister,” Peter scrunched up his nose as he said the words. “Though to be fair, who knows what your type is? I mean the Breville Toaster in the kitchen is pretty much the same colour as Vision…”
“Ha Ha Ha,” deadpanned Wanda, “How many more of these jokes should I expect?”

“But serious question? As Vision is a machine, does that mean that he is technically the same as a vibrator. So does that mean that sex with him counts as masturbation?”

“For the love of god Peter please shut up,”stated Wanda giggling at the teenager in annoyance.

“So what is your type?” asked Peter curiously. “because no offence but Vision is like an old man.”

“Technically he is younger than me,” said Wanda with a smirk.

“You know what I mean,” moaned Peter. “I mean what’s the attraction?”

Wanda shrugged her shoulders at him. Peter carried on speaking, “I mean are you planning to…. you know…”

“You can call it sex Peter and maybe….I promised Mama I wouldn’t rush into anything though,” explained Wanda.

“So how do you think the meeting is going?”

Wanda rolled her eyes, “Knowing them Mama is making some sort of threat….”

“Well obviously,” replied Peter. “You are her cute little baby.” He leaned over and pinched her cheek dramatically.

“Seriously Peter stop that,” moaned Wanda. “I can’t help that she is crazy protective.”

“You say that like it’s a bad thing,” said Peter curiously.

“It’s pressure, do I really deserve someone who cares for me in that way?”

Peter’s smile dropped from his face, “You deserve it Wanda, more than you realise.”

He worked to change the conversation quickly sensing the change in tone. “Hey Look, Aunty Nat is back.”

They watched as Natasha held her key fob in front of the sensor and entered the gate that surrounded the school. Wanda rushed over, “how did it go…Is he ok? When can I see him..”

Natasha smirked at the teenager, “calm down Wanda. You will see him tonight, I will explain it all to you on the way home, but for now you have History to get to,” she turned her attention back to Peter, “You to Parker…”

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