Chapter 22: First day

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Steve juggled the cases and keys in his hand, before finally pushing it into the lock, and opening the door. Natasha turned to Steve carrying the sleeping Wanda, “I’m going to put her to bed in the master bedroom with us, I don’t want her to wake up confused in a strange room.”

Steve looked over, “you go get to sleep Nat, I’ll finish sorting stuff out.”
Natasha nodded tiredly, smiling at the caring man in front of her.

Wanda slowly stirred in the bed, she opened her eyes in confusion. She was in a bed; she definitely didn’t go to sleep in a bed. Wanda heard light snoring to the left of her, she glanced over and noticed Steve laying there out to the world. She turned her head to the right, and took in the sight of Natasha also asleep. She slowly crawled out of the bed, and tiptoed out of the room. She walked out onto the landing, and started to wander down the hallway, she noticed the floor creaked as she stepped on the floorboards. Wanda slowed down her pace as to not wake the sleeping occupants of the room. She took in her surroundings, as she slowly made her way down the stairs.

Wanda found the kitchen, and was relieved to see they had coffee and milk. She filled the kettle with water and flicked the switch. She started checking all the cupboards for a mug of some description.

“Top left,” came a voice from the doorway. Wanda turned startled at the voice. Natasha just walked slowly into the kitchen, “Mugs, top left,” she repeated.

Wanda reached up and plucked two mugs out of the cupboard placing them gently on the side. Natasha went into the fridge and retrieved the milk.

“You could have woken me up you know; it must have been hard work for Steve carrying me in here.”

Natasha smiled, “Steve carried the luggage, I carried you.”

Wanda dropped the spoon into the cup mid scoop of sugar. “You should have woken me up.”

Natasha’s smile dropped slightly, “I didn’t mind, you are very cute when you are asleep. You clearly needed the rest.”

“I don’t need to be babied Mama, you don’t have to carry me. In the future wake me up.” Wanda walked over to the hissing kettle, and poured the water carefully into the cups.

Natasha watched her put the kettle back before she moved towards her, she grabbed her arm gently, “Wanda, I will always carry you.” Her free hand moved up to Wanda’s head and she ran her fingers lightly through her hair in a comforting motion. She dropped her arms down and grabbed the milk off the side and topped up both cups.

Steve came padding into the kitchen tiredly. Scratching at his thick beard, he wasn’t a massive fan of it, but it did a good job of obscuring his identity. The rougher he looked the less he looked like the clean cut captain America. He grabbed a mug out of the cupboard for himself and began the process of making the coffee.

“So Mummy and Daddy, what are the plans today?” Wanda asked with a hint of sarcasm.

Steve took a seat at the small kitchen table, “get settled today, and then you start at school tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow,” squeaked Wanda, “it’s too soon I thought you said Monday, I don’t even have any clothes.”

Natasha coughed awkwardly, “We have sorted that part.”

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