Chapter 40: Inbetween days

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Natasha slowly crossed the threshold of the room, and observed the curled up body on top of the bed. Wanda was laying on the bed her knees up to her chest, trying to comfort herself in the foetal position. Natasha approached the teen, she gently sat down next to the forlorn figures. She carefully placed her hand on the girl’s back and start running her fingers up and down Wanda’s spine. “Hey baby,” she cajoled.

Wanda turned her head towards the older woman without really moving her body, causing her back to arch more. “Careful Wanda,” said Natasha quietly, as she pulled the teenager into her body so she was facing the same way. Natasha moved further onto the bed, allowing Wanda to attach to her like a limpet. She buried her head into Natasha’s chest. Natasha soothed her, by stroking her hair with one hand and patting her lower back with the other hand. Wanda sighed in contentment as her free hand fingered the button on Natasha’s blouse. She placed a kiss to the crown of Wanda’s head, “Thanks for letting me in Sweetheart.”

Wanda just nodded, well as much as she could nod in her current position. “I promise to tell you everything.”

Wanda sighed but realised she needed to extract herself from Natasha’s hold to continue this conversation. She pulled herself away and sat up crosslegged facing the older woman. “Ok..” Wanda muttered taking the moment to bring her thoughts together.

“You need to tell me everything about Siberia,” stated Wanda firmly.

Natasha rubbed her temple, “I can tell you what I know but the only people who know truly what happened there where Steve, Bucky and Tony.”

“Ok,” replied Wanda. “I can speak to Steve. Do you promise to stop hiding things from me?”

Natasha nodded, “there will be times I just want to protect you, but I will do better to try. I won’t ever lie to you though.”
Wanda looked at the woman thoughtfully, “You need to start treating me more like an adult.”

“Ok? What does that look like to you?” questioned Natasha.

“It means I’m a full member of the Avengers. I have the autonomy to make my own decisions with your guidance. I can see Vision….”

“Hold up,” said Natasha. “You are still only 16.”

“17 soon,” replied Wanda.

“I know sweetheart. Look I agree to discuss things with you before hand. Even I can recognise I have become slightly more dictatorial recently,” stated Natasha. “But you are still 16, you can’t have that level of autonomy not with the agreement we made with Ross.”

Wanda looked at her thoughtfully, “Ok I want corporal punishment off the table.”

Natasha cocked an eyebrow at her, “that’s never off the table, you just need to make decisions that means it does not happen.”

Wanda scrunched her face up, “But Nat it’s so embarrassing…”

Natasha shook her head, “I realise that but ultimately you know how to avoid that.”

Wanda rolled her eyes but could see the logic in Natasha’s words much to her irritation. “Then you need to let me see Vision…”

Natasha sucked air through her teeth as she pondered her answer, “Ok….”

Wanda smiled in reaction which made Natasha’s chest lighten despite her trepidation. “But we need to talk about things Wanda, if you start closing up, clamming up, or if I sense issues. I will put a stop to it.”

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