Chapter 26: A Vision in Red

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Wanda woke up feeling slightly disorientated, a comforting hand was running through her hair. She snuggled into the source instantly recognising the smell that was uniquely Natasha.
She sighed in satisfaction, “hey Mama.”

“Hey sweetheart,” replied the older woman from her position perched on the bed. Wanda looked lovingly up at the spy.

“I’ve missed you,” she stated softly.

“How can you have missed me? I haven’t gone anyway,” joked Natasha, while continuing her ministrations.

Wanda blushed, “I mean…I…”

“You mean your self-imposed exile,” said Natasha knowingly. Wanda seemed to flush redder in embarrassment. Natasha just continued to speak, “Which we still need to discuss properly.”

Wanda shook her head and turned her body away from the woman, “No thanks.”

Natasha just smirked at the childish action, she patted the teenager’s bottom reassuringly, “come on you, we need to talk about this.”

Wanda just pulled the duvet over her head in response. Natasha just yanked it back down showing the witch’s face. “Wanda..”

“Can’t I just blame the fever,” replied Wanda with a cute smile. Natasha’s heart melted a little at the adorable look on her face. Wanda definitely seemed to be younger now, or more precisely acting her age.

“Wanda talk to me….”

Wanda looked away awkwardly, “I was jealous of..” her sentence trailed off, as Natasha strained her ears to hear her.

“I didn’t catch that,” stated Natasha firmly.

“I was jealous of Peter,” snapped out Wanda quickly.

“I see,” stated Natasha clearing considering Wanda’s words. “Wanda you are my baby you have nothing to be jealous of…”

“I don’t like sharing you,” replied Wanda, “I’ve always had to share everything. I mean that’s what happens when you are twin, but I’ve never had to share you. You have always been mine.”

“I’m yours hey?”quirked Natasha with an amused eyebrow raise. “Do you remember when I first started caring for you and you hated it?”

“You wore me down,” joked Wanda. Natasha pulled the girl into her body, “You are my baby Wanda, whether Peter is here or not.”

“Mama, I’m not a baby,” moaned Wanda.

Natasha just laughed at the pouting teenager. “But listen Wanda you need to be honest with me about how you are feeling? Don’t bury your feelings.”

“You make it sound so easy,” groaned Wanda.

“It is very easy,” replied Natasha knowingly. “Do I need to tuck you in every night so we can talk?”

“No!” said Wanda in embarrassment. “You are unbelievable, no-one would believe me if I said you were like this! The terrifying Black Widow.”

“See that’s the thing Wanda no-one would believe you,” replied Natasha with a grin. “My reputation precedes me.”

Natasha smoothed down the teenager’s hair, “But seriously Wanda here is your chance now to get anything off your chest. Clean slate.”

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