Chapter 17: The Beginning

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Wanda glared at Peter who was sat opposite the table from her. Peter tried to look anywhere apart from at Wanda, but her eyes seems to follow him everywhere. Sam oblivious to the tension spoke up, “Are we still doing our Sunday night movie night? I think we are up to educating Cap on 80’s movies.”

Steve nodded, “I’m happy with that.”

Tony turned to the youngest one at the table, “Peter, what do you think Die Hard or the Terminator?”

Peter looked thoughtful for a second, “Wanda what would you prefer?”

Wanda stayed silent slightly longer than was required before stating in complete nonchalance, “I don’t really care as I doubt I will be joining thanks to you.”

Peter deflated at the answer and struggled to keep the wounded expression off his face. He was never any good at hiding his emotions. Steve spoke up, “Movie night is family night Wanda, of course you will be joining us.”

Wanda shrugged indifferently, “We aren’t all family.” Before anyone could correct her she turned to Peter, “What would you prefer Parker?”

Peter jumped on the question, “I would prefer Die Hard.”

“In that case I vote for the Terminator,” she snapped at him. Wanda clearly harboured a great deal of resentment towards her fellow teenager. Peter put his fork down onto his plate no longer feeling particularly hungry.

“May I be excused?” asked Peter weakly giving the impression of a wounded puppy. Pepper glanced worriedly between the other adults at the table, “Sweetheart are you sure you have eaten enough?”

“I’m sure,” replied Peter, his head was aimed at the floor, his eyes downcast.

“Underoo..” said Tony gently, but Peter had already stood up and left the room. Wanda felt the tension around the table and knew it was aimed at her but in this moment she really just didn’t care. The rest of the meal continued in silence.


Peter laid on the bed in his room throwing the ball up in the air and catching it before it hit him on the face on the way back down. He was lazy in his approach but the action kept his mind slightly occupied. The knock at his door distracted him and the ball smacked him in the face. He sat up and rubbed his nose furiously to get rid of the sting. “Come in.”

The door opened to reveal Natasha and Pepper at the door, they both entered the room cautiously.

“You ok little spider?” asked Natasha in a warm gentle tone.

‘She hates me…”

Pepper spoke up, “She doesn’t hate you, she’s just being an angry teenager right now. I promise you this will all blow over.”

Peter shook his head, “It won’t. Wanda doesn’t trust easily. She won’t ever forgive me or trust me again.”

“She will,” assured Natasha. She sat down on the bed on one side of the teenager while Pepper sat on the other side. The teenager was sandwiched between the two women, he shook his head again, “You don’t get it, she won’t. She trusted me, now she won’t ever trust me again.”

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