chapter 11: Best Laid Plans

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Wanda woke up when she heard someone shouting her name. She blearily turned her head towards the ground. She teetered slightly in her tired state on the branch, she felt her hand slip, her grip loosens. The next thing she felt was air rushing through her face. In panic she threw her hands out in front of her and was relieved when she was able to slow her fall. She unsteadily fell to her feet.

Peter emerged from the trees, “That was amazing. That most have been about 30 feet!”

Wanda shrugged slightly, “let’s keep that between us.”

Peter nodded in understanding, “Your mom is looking for you.”

Wanda shook her head, “she’s not really my mom.”

Peter looked at her curiously, “She looks after you, and you call her mama, how is she not your mom?”

‘It’s complicated Peter,” responded Wanda in exasperation.

“Doesn’t seem it,” replied Peter.

“Well you are just a kid,” stated Wanda in agitation.

“If I’m a kid so are you, we are the same age. You moan that the others treat you like a kid, but you treat me like one. How are you any better than them?”

Wanda stood shocked at his words. She was unsure what to say to that, but let his words replay in her mind a few times.

Peter just shrugged at her, “come on let’s head back, Ms Potts was cooking dinner for us all.”


Wanda walked back towards the compound, and could see Natasha waiting for her in the doorway.

“Where have you been?”

“Just went for a walk to clear my head,” she replied succinctly. Natasha shepherded her into the building.

“Come with me, we need to talk.”


Wanda followed the older woman through the facility after saying a quick goodbye to Peter. They headed into their living quarters, where they had a small living space between their rooms. Natasha sat on the sofa, and pulled Wanda down next to her.

“What did you want to talk about?”

Natasha took a deep breath, “Tony.”

She watched the teenager’s face sour immediately at the name. “What about Stark?”

“I don’t think you are being fair to him sweetheart, you need to give him a chance. This bitterness is not healthy.”

“Would you give the people that trained you in the red room a chance?” asked Wanda bravely.

Natasha grimaced, “You can not compare them. I trust Tony, he is my family, which makes him your family. Your uncle now.”

“He is not my uncle.”

Natasha grabbed her arm gently, “he is your uncle, just like Clint is...”

Wanda shook her head and pulled her arm away, “You don’t have to like him Wanda, but you do need to be polite to him.”

“I think he shouldn’t speak to me and then I won’t speak to him. That would resolve any issues.”

“No it won’t,” replied Natasha. “This is not negotiable Wanda. Tony has done a lot for you, he has made mistakes but you need to give him a chance.”

Wanda crossed her arms against her chest in annoyance. “Especially as he is helping get me the paperwork to enrol you in school.”

“He’s doing what?” questioned Wanda in shock. Natasha was secretly impressed with herself and how she directed the conversation to the contentious school topic.

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