Chapter 8: Change of Scenery

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Wanda couldn’t remember ever feeling this free. The farm was like this perfect little suburban bubble. She soon learned the Barton’s were incredibly tactile, she never thought she was a big hugger; with them however she loved it. She found herself absorbing it like a sponge. Wanda found herself enjoying this life, since the incident as it had been playfully named, she felt like a teenager again. She still enjoyed training to fight but she also enjoyed building Lego with cooper, and watching Disney films with Lila.

Cooper especially loved it when she used her powers to put the Lego together. People were normally scared of her power, but the Barton children just seemed enraptured by them. Cooper laughed as Wanda made the Lego Space ship fly around the room above their heads. Only to be stopped mid fight, by a hand plucking it from the sky.

“Aunty Nat, why did you stop it?”

Natasha placed it down on the table, “because you need to get ready for bed...”

Copper sighed, but agreed to the command. Natasha turned her attention to the teenager, “the facility is ready, we can go back tomorrow.”

Wanda’s face fell slightly. “We can still visit,” explained Natasha sensing Wanda’s disappointment.

“I know, I just like it here,” replied Wanda.

Natasha laughed at her, “To think you almost had a temper tantrum about coming here…”

“Mama…” whined Wanda in embarrassment, “I don’t have temper tantrums, I’m not a toddler.” Wanda looked awkwardly at the older woman as she considered her next words, “will things change when we are back at the facility?”

Natasha sensed the serious undertone in her words, “like what Malyshka?”

“Do I need to go back to calling you Romanoff or Natasha? Won’t the others think its weird?”

“Not at all, if nothing else you will have group that would all love to be called your Uncles and Aunts.”

Wanda shrugged at that clearly not entirely comfortable with the concept.

“It’s your choice Wanda, you don’t have to call them anything you are not 100% happy with,” Natasha stated lightly trying to reassure the younger girl.


Wanda smiled as they approached the new Avengers complex in northern New York.
“This places looks amazing,” she stated in wonderment staring out the window. The green fields and trees were so different from the built up borough of Manhattan. It was more like the farm, which relaxed the teenager slightly.

“Wanda sit back down and put your seatbelt on please,” Natasha replied with a slight annoyance to her voice. Wanda rolled her eyes in response but followed the instructions. In the weeks that had passed it was safe to say that Wanda was starting to behave more like a “normal” teenager. Steve smirked at Natasha in understanding, he had been the one who had volunteered to pick them up, rather than heading straight from the tower.

The Quinjet landed at the site. They left the ship to Tony Stark waiting for them, “Welcome back guys.”

“Come on let me give you the grand tour….”

Tony showed them the gym, and the training rooms, before heading to the living quarters that were set up as small bedsits. They dumped their bags off in their respective rooms. Wanda’s adjoining with Natasha though they each had their own bathroom.

They wandered through the glass hallways. Wanda found herself feeling being overwhelmed slightly by the facility. It was cold and modern, a stark contrast to the farm. They stopped off in the communal living room, it was truly ostentatious in design. In the middle of the room sat a colossal sofa that seemed to wrap around a coffee table. Tony pushed a button on the wall and a TV dropped down from the ceiling. Wanda’s eyes drifted to the corner of the room, where a Piano sat. It was pristine it had clearly never been played and it existed more as an example of opulence and wealth. That fact alone seemed to just to irritate Wanda. She glanced over to Tony, “may I?” she pointed to the Piano.

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